Thursday, 23 January 2025


Community and leisure interests :                                                      

Playing table tennis , listening to music   and  cycling  , member of SLCC (Subang Jaya Linux Community Club) which was held at Subang Parade many years ago.

Summary of knowledge , skills , and experience acquired at PHILIPS(Philips Data Systems) :                              

Installation , maintenance ,  trouble-shooting , fault finding of Philips Data Systems computer hardware listed below :


        PHILIPS PTS6000 (financial terminal systems/banking systems)
PHILIPS TTP6222 (printer)
PHILIPS TTP6225 (printer)
PHILIPS PTS6371 (printer)
PHILIPS PTS6372 (printer)
PHILIPS P6390 (printer)
PHILIPS SUML6314 (selector unit modular local)
Qume Corporation Qume-55 (daisy-wheel printer)
TEC F10-40 (daisy-wheel printer)
PHILIPS KBAN6236 (keyboard)
PHILIPS KBAN6272 (keyboard)
PHILIPS TC6810 (minicomputer)
PHILIPS TC6811 (minicomputer)
PHILIPS TC6812 (minicomputer)
PHILIPS TC6813 (minicomputer)
PHILIPS TC6824 (concentrator)
PHILIPS VDT (Video Display Terminal)
PHILIPS VDU (Video Display Unit)
PHILIPS LWSC6910 (Local Workstation Controller)
PHILIPS LWSC6911 (Local Workstation Controller)
PHILIPS P3105 (4.77/8 Mhz personal computer)
CDC HDD (Hard Disk Drive from Control Data Corporation [ 1 2 3 ] About the size of
a small refrigerator and weight about 70 kg.)
PHILIPS MLP 600 (line printer made by Printronix)
PHILIPS P5020 (word processor)
PHILIPS P5040 (word processor)
PHILIPS PTS6601 (automatic teller machine)

Summary of knowledge , skills , and experience acquired at DIGITAL/DEC/Digital Equipment(M) Sdn Bhd :

Installation , maintenance ,  trouble-shooting , fault finding and upgrading  of Philips Data Systems computer hardware and DIGITAL computer hardware listed below :

PHILIPS TTP6222 (printer)
PHILIPS TTP6225 (printer)
PHILIPS TTP6371 (printer)
PHILIPS TTP6372 (printer)
PHILIPS P6390 (printer)
PHILIPS SUML6314 (selector unit modular local)
Qume Corporation Qume-55 (daisy-wheel printer)
TEC F10-40 (daisy-wheel printer)
PHILIPS KBAN6236 (keyboard)
PHILIPS KBAN6272 (keyboard)
PHILIPS TC6810 (minicomputer)
PHILIPS TC6811 (minicomputer)
PHILIPS TC6812 (minicomputer)
PHILIPS TC6813 (minicomputer)
PHILIPS TC6824 (concentrator)
PHILIPS P3105 (4.77/8 Mhz personal computer)
CDC HDD (Hard disk drive from Control Data Corp.
About the size of a small refrigerator and
weigh about 70kg)
PHILIPS P5020 (word processor)
PHILIPS P5040 (word processor)
PHILIPS PTS6601 (automatic teller machine)
DIGITAL VT320 (video terminal)
DIGITAL VT420 (video terminal)
DIGITAL LPv+ (personal computer)
DIGITAL LPx+ (personal computer)
DIGITAL Prioris LX5120 (server)
DIGITAL 400xP (server)
DIGITAL LG01/02 (line printer)
DIGITAL LG06 (line printer)
DIGITAL LA95-CA/DECwriter95 (dot matrix printer)
DIGITAL LA120 DECwriter (dot matrix printer)
DIGITAL LA210 (dot matrix printer)
DIGITAL LA424 (dot matrix printer)
DIGITAL LN03 (laser printer)
DIGITAL DEClaser 2200 (laser printer)

Summary of knowledge , skills , and experience acquired at Telekom Publications Sdn Bhd :

  • Introduction of Fastlynx software (file transfer utility using parallel/serial port) to
    Technical Section of the IT Department.
  • Evaluated and provide recommendation of HP Color LaserJet 5M Printer for Marketing Dept.
  • Evaluated and provide recommendation of NEC Powermate VP75 personal computer for TPSB

  • Evaluated and provide recommendation of 166 Mhz CPU Module Upgrade from ROSS Technology for Sun Sparc20. Liaise and coordinate with Sales Manager, Account Manager and Technical Support from DONOVAN Products Sdn Bhd

  • Provided general support and maintenance for LAN/WAN related issues. Here is the schematic of the Telekom Publications Sdn Bhd network Today, I belief, the entire network/network infrastructure has been revamped and improved to meet Telekom Publications ever demanding needs of speed, up-time, and efficiency, so, this network topology is only relevan while I was there

  • Conduct on-the-job training to fresh graduates on the installation of Windows NT 3.51 and Windows NT 4.0 on PC’s and Notebooks.

  • Prepared basic network infrastructure for Telebilling from TPSB HQ Sg. Besi to Telekom Exchange Kelana Jaya using 128 Kbps lease line. Liaise and coordinate with Telekom Malaysia Major Business Sales Executive, Telekom Malaysia Network Engineer, Telekom Malaysia Technical Support Executive and Cisco Engineer. Installed Digital Unix 3.2C operating system on the Alpha Station 200 4/100

  • Prepared basic network infrastructure from TPSB HQ Sg. Besi to TPSB Glenmarie Shah Alam using 128 Kbps lease line. Liaise and coordinate with Telekom Malaysia Major Business Sales Executive, Business Manager and Technical Support from LAN Source Corporation. TPSB Glenmarie Shah Alam has a mixture of Dumb Terminals, PC’s and Apple MacIntosh.
  • Performed software configuration on 2 units of notebook at TPSB Glenmarie for dial-up access to TPSB HQ using Windows NT RAS.
  • Install and configure Tektronix Phaser 340 to provide connectivity to the LAN using TCP/IP. Liaise and coordinate with Product Executive and Technical Support from Micro Express Sales(M) Sdn Bhd
  • Used the Internet to access/download drivers and technical info for trouble-shooting and procurement of computer hardware.
  • Hardware upgrade of SCO Unix machine that runs DECNET protocol from computer hardware DIGITAL DEC PC LPV 433DX to computer hardware DIGITAL FX 5100. Liaise and coordinate with TPSB Senior System Analyst, Noorhayati Shamsuddin, regarding the computer hardware upgrade

  • Upgrading of Windows NT Workstation operating system from Version 3.51 to Version 4.0 at TPSB Kuching, TPSB Miri and TPSB Kota Kinabalu and established connectivity to TPSB HQ.

    • Performed basic system administration task under VAX/VMS environment, SCO Unix environment and Windows NT environment when the need arise.
    • Installation of Red Hat Linux 5.0 Operating System and configured Xfree86 on computer hardware DIGITAL DEC PC LPV 433 DX for TPSB Web Master who wanted to use Perl for programming.

                              Why I think I can contribute to this job

    • I can provide general support and maintenance for LAN/WAN related issues for the Company

    • I can work side by side with the young and with the old and with different races and religion and interact with individuals from all parts of the globe.

    • I am a Team Player and I have eagerness and willingness to learn.

    • I am able to trouble-shoot common PC problems and Server problems

    • I am also familiar with the Windows Operating System (Windows95/98/NT4.0/XP/Vista/7/8/10) and Linux operating system (Linux OS Red Hat 6.2/8.0, Linux OS SuSE 6.4/8.0, Linux OS Open SuSE 11.2 , Linux OS Ubuntu  18.10 , Linux  OS KNOPPIX  6.3/7.2/7.4/8.1/8.2   and PCLinux OS )

    • I am eager to learn new technologies, especially Linux Operating System, Windows 10 Operating System ,  Windows 11 Operating System ,  fixed-wireless technology and broadband .  It is good to have a basic understanding of these new technologies because it makes me well-rounded, it broaden my knowledge, and I believe I can maximize my skills for the benefit of the Company and at the same time I can provide value added services for the Company.

    • I am honest, sincere and trustworthy and I can contribute ideas, creativity and give suggestions where appropriate according to my capability.

    • I want to have a long term commitment with the Company. I am 67 years of age and Insha'Allah (if God willing), if God give me the longevity and a healthy body ,  I believe I can contribute another 5 years for the  Company . 

    • I am willing to accept a lower pay package in exchange for the opportunity to grow and learn with the Company.

    • Finally, I need a job to raise a family.

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