Tuesday 28 May 2024

Idiosyncrasies of an INTEL-based Linux 5G Cellular Laptopif somebody or someone decided to make them . Among them , I imagine , that could come up , that could crop up , during our daily use of a Linux 5G Cellular Laptop machine is that , the  Linux Operating System that is preinstalled inside the Linux 5G Cellular Laptop could get corrupted . As an example , I am taking Linux Operating System UBUNTU TOUCH as the OS that is installed inside the Linux 5G Cellular Laptop .

  •  Every Linux  5G Cellular Laptop when purchased , must come with a Linux DVD installation software just in case the Linux OS that is preinstalled inside the Linux 5G cellular Laptop gets corrupted . If by any chances if the Linux OS  that is installed inside the Linux 5G Cellular Laptop is corrupted , the customer can just pull out the UBUNTU TOUCH  installation DVD and insert the UBUNTU TOUCH  installation DVD  inside the  DVD-RW Player of the Linux 5G Cellular Laptop(that is why I believe it is important to have a DVD-RW Player built-in inside a Linux 5G Cellular Laptop) and run the software and do the Linux OS  UBUNTU TOUCH software installation inside the Linux 5G Cellular Laptop  by themselves . The Linux OS UBUNTU TOUCH software installation should be plain and simple and intuitive and do not require the help or the assistance of an IT Technician or an IT expert , so much so , that it is plain and simple just like the installation of a Windows Operating System on a PC/Desktop or on a Laptop or on a Tablet or an Engineering Workstation . 

  • If the  Linux 5G Cellular Laptop      hardware/software  manufacturer do not wish to include a  built-in DVD-RW Player  inside the  Linux 5G Cellular Laptop , a flash drive with the  Linux OS UBUNTU TOUCH installation software should be included with every purchase of a  Linux 5G Cellular Laptop . By any chance , if the customer feels that the Linux Operating System UBUNTU TOUCH inside the Linux 5G Cellular Laptop is not stable , or the performance of the 5G Laptop is laggy or for some reason the Linux Operating System UBUNTU TOUCH inside the  Linux 5G Laptop is corrupted , the customer can just pull out the flash drive and insert the flash drive inside the USB port(preferably USB port 3.0) of the Linux 5G Cellular Laptop and do the software installation by themselves .

  • Taking the flash drive as a reference , before installing the Linux Operating System UBUNTU TOUCH with a flash drive inside the Linux 5G Cellular Laptop , insert the flash drive into the USB 3.0 port of the  Linux 5G Cellular Laptop , and then make sure that the  UEFI BIOS is set to boot from the  flash drive first , instead of the local hard disk that is sitting inside the  Linux 5G Cellular Laptop . For our information , the local hard disk is preinstalled with the Linux Operating System UBUNTU TOUCH  in the factory when we purchased the Linux 5G Cellular Laptop .

  • After inserting the flash drive into the USB 3.0  port of the Linux 5G Cellular Laptop ,  changing the  UEFI(BIOS) settings the BIOS to boot from the flash drive first . Then proceed with the software installation and follow the step-by-step procedures given during the installation of the software.

  • After the Linux OS UBUNTU TOUCH software installation inside the Linux 5G Cellular Laptop is successfull , then the most important thing to find out is that whether the Linux 5G Cellular Laptop can make telephone calls or not . Try using the 5G Cellular Laptop to make phone calls to another 5G smartphone and vice versa .  Or try using the 5G Linux Cellular Laptop to make phone calls to another 5G Linux Cellular Laptop and vice versa . If it is okay , then proceed with the next step , that is , installed all the neccessary Linux apps that we require for our daily work . For a basic Linux user like me , if I happen to own a Linux 5G Cellular Laptop , the Linux apps that I love to install  are Libre Office or Open Office , VLC(Videolan) ,  Gparted , Clonezilla , Filezilla , Google Chrome browser , Microsoft Edge browser , etc. , etc.                     

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