Wednesday 1 May 2024

Connecting a 5G USB Dongle or a 5G USB Stick to a 4G LTE Smartphone


By connecting a 5G USB Dongle or a 5G USB Stick to my 4G LTE Smartphone , will the Internet speed of my 4G LTE smartphone be the same as the Internet speed of a dedicated 5G smartphone ? I ask this question because I do not want to buy a dedicated 5G smartphone yet due to to the 5G coverage in my country is not 80% or 90% totally covered ! Thanks.
Sent by you: By connecting a 5G USB Dongle or a 5G USB Stick to my 4G LTE Smartphone , will the Internet speed of my 4G LTE smartphone be the same as the Internet speed of a dedicated 5G smartphone ? I ask this question because I do not want to buy a dedicated 5G smartphone yet due to to the 5G coverage in my country is not 80% or 90% totally covered ! Thanks.


When you connect a 5G USB dongle or 5G USB stick to your 4G LTE smartphone, the internet speed of your smartphone will not automatically become the same as that of a dedicated 5G smartphone. Let’s break down the differences:

  1. 4G LTE Smartphone with 5G USB Dongle:

    • Your 4G LTE smartphone operates on the existing 4G LTE network. When you attach a 5G USB dongle or stick, your smartphone can access the 5G network through that external device.
    • However, the maximum speed you’ll achieve will still be limited by the 4G LTE capabilities of your smartphone. The 5G USB dongle provides a bridge to the 5G network, but your phone’s internal hardware (including its modem) remains 4G LTE.
    • In practical terms, your internet speed will be enhanced, but it won’t match the blazing speeds of a dedicated 5G smartphone.
  2. Dedicated 5G Smartphone:

    • A true 5G smartphone is purpose-built to handle 5G networks. It has an integrated 5G modem and optimized hardware for faster data transfer.
    • When you use a dedicated 5G smartphone, you’ll experience the full benefits of 5G technology, including higher speeds, lower latency, and improved connectivity.
    • However, keep in mind that 5G coverage varies by location. If your country’s 5G coverage isn’t widespread (as you mentioned), a dedicated 5G smartphone may not always operate at 5G speeds. It will fall back to 4G LTE when necessary.
  3. Considerations:

    • If you’re not in a rush to upgrade to a dedicated 5G smartphone, using a 5G USB dongle with your existing 4G LTE smartphone is a reasonable option. It provides a taste of 5G while leveraging your current device.
    • Remember that 5G networks are still expanding, and coverage will improve over time. So, even if it’s not 80% or 90% covered now, it may improve in the future.

In summary, while your 4G LTE smartphone with a 5G USB dongle won’t match the full 5G experience, it’s a pragmatic choice given the current coverage situation. 😊123

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