Saturday, 31 December 2022

Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone ( ALL-in-ONE ) _ Android OS machine


[ 15.6 inches Touchscreen " foldable 360 degrees " INTEL-based Android OS [ 1 2 3 ] 5G Cellular   Laptop with built-in DVD-RW Play with a SIM Card with a phone number ] with a cellular data plan that operate like a Smartphone , so that there is no need to purchase or buy or carry a Smartphone(4G or 5G) . My Laptop is my Smartphone . My 5G Android Cellular Laptop is my 5G Android Smartphone .

Colleagues talk to each other on  their  4G LTE  laptop  or             5G  laptop       with       " crystal clear "   voice  calls  using  VoLTE  or  Vo5G  )

Picture above  is for illustrative purposes only .   ALL-in-ONE  machine that serve as a  Laptop and as a Tablet and as a Smartphone .   





Picture above is for illustrative purposes only .  Picture above  is for illustrative purposes only .   ALL-in-ONE  machine that serve as a  Laptop and as a Tablet and as a Smartphone .


P.S.  In my opinion , with the advent of  5G ,    a  5G Cellular Laptop computer hardware shown above  ,  should have a  Android-based  program of  WhatsApp  software  in the form of  .SDK   file ( for example  WhatsApp.sdk ) so that when installed ( Setup WhatsApp on Android 5G Cellular Laptop should be same as setup WhatsApp on Android Smartphone )  inside   the  Android  machine shown above , and with some basic/simple   configuration ,  we can use the   Android-based   WhatsApp   software ,  to make video calls  with  the  Android  machine shown above  straight  away , without requiring any 5G  Smartphone , without requiring any  5G Tablet ( 5G Tablet with phone functionality ) for that matter .    It is just like making a  WhatsApp video call on a  5G    Apple/Android   Smartphone   but this time we are doing it on a  5G  INTEL-based   Cellular  Laptop running  Android Operating System ( example  Android-x86 OS ) , meaning , no tethering is required , no 5G  Smartphone is required , no 5G Tablet is required .  There is no need to use a  5G Smartphone rear facing camera or a  5G Tablet rear facing camera to scan to log in to WhatsApp        ( log in on phone to use WhatsApp on Web ) in order to use WhatsApp  on a 5G Android Cellular Laptop .  No need to keep your 5G phone connected .  No need to keep your 5G Tablet connected .  If we can do it on a   5G   Apple/Android  Smartphone , we can also do it on a  5G  Android Cellular  Laptop !  In my opinion , there is no point having a 5G Cellular Laptop or buying a  5G Cellular Laptop or calling the machine   a    " 5G Cellular Laptop "    if the   " 5G Cellular Laptop "  machine cannot make telephone calls or receive telephone calls or have phone functionality ( audio and video calls ) , just like a  5G  Android/Apple Smartphone .
My Laptop is my Smartphone! [  1 1 2 3 4 5 6 ]

Thursday, 29 December 2022


Holding a  Linux 5G Folding Smartphone ( which has been unfolded into a  15.6 inches  Linux  5G  Tabletwhich can serve as a Laptop , which can serve as a Tablet , which can serve as a Smartphone and then putting it inside a  handbag

Picture above is for illustrative purposes only .  Holding a Linux 5G Folding Smartphone which has been unfolded into a  15.6 inches  Linux  5G  Tablet  and then putting it inside a  handbag .

Picture above is for illustrative purposes only .   15.6 inches Linux 5G Tablet kept inside a  handbag .

Picture above is for illustrative purposes only .  15.6 inches Linux 5G Tablet kept inside a  handbag .


Walking with a   Linux 5G Folding Smartphone ( which has been unfolded into a  15.6 inches  Tablet )

Picture above is for illustrative purposes only .

Wednesday, 28 December 2022

DVD-RW Player


In my opinion , as of today  October 2023 , I believe , a  DVD-RW Player is still relevant , a  DVD-RW Player is still in demand [ 0 1  2  3  4  5  6 7  8 9  10 11 12 13 13 14]  because it is still cheap to access  software that it is installed inside a  DVD media regardless whether it is an Operating System , or an Application Software or Hardware Drivers or System Utilities , PC games , Movies , etc., etc.  Accessing all these software that I mentioned using a Cloud Storage system is still costly an expensive  for an ordinary user but not for     corporate/enterprise/business   users.  So ,  having a     " 360 degrees foldable "   5G Laptop(like , for example this)  or   a  " detachable "   5G Laptop(like , for example this) that have a DVD-RW  Player built-in ,  should be very useful and very handy .   A  5G smartphone or a 5G Folding Smartphone(a  5G smartphone and a 5G Folding Smartphone can also be connected to a  DVD-RW Player by using this step-by-step  procedure) that have a DVD-RW Player in their hardware configuration should be very useful and very handy , too [ 10 11 12  0 1  2  3  4  5  6 7  8 9 13 13 14]      


It look something like the  Microsoft Surface Duo 2 [ 1 2 ] but can unfold into a   15.6 inches Tablet . The Microsoft Surface Duo 2 can only unfold into a  8.3 inches  Tablet .  But the  [15.6 inches Touchscreen INTEL-based Linux 5G Cellular Tablet with built-in DVD-RW Player]  can unfold into a  15.6 inches  Tablet .

Quran doesn’t tell people to fight


Quran doesn’t tell people to fight any more than Gita, Bible, Torah. Why pick on Muslims

Perhaps a proper study should be carried out by all the  hardware/software manufacturer of 5G Cellular Laptops , all the chip/SoC   manufacturers  , all the  OS providers , all the   carriers/telcos  ,  regarding   “ 5G-Cellular-Laptop-that-can-make-phone-calls “  , to ensure that in the not too distant , all 5G Cellular Laptops must be able to make phone calls like 5G Smartphones , too

Most users today have both a smartphone and a computer in their home. They use a smartphone for phone calls, messaging, browsing the Internet, reading e-mail, and other small jobs and use a computer for more complicated projects or work. If you can't decide between a smartphone or a computer, consider getting a tablet or a hybrid computer.

Most users today have both a Smartphone and a computer ( PC/Laptop ) in their home . They use a Smartphone for phone calls , messaging , browsing the Internet , reading e-mail , and other small jobs and they use a computer ( PC/Laptop ) for more complicated projects or work .  If you cannot decide what to buy between a smartphone or a computer ( PC/laptop ) , consider getting a hybrid computer or a   [ Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone(ALL-in-ONE) with built-in DVD-RW Player ] machine , which combine a  Smartphone and a          computer ( PC/Laptop ) like for example the     [ 15.6 inches   Touchscreen    " 360 degrees foldable "    INTEL-based  Windows 10   5G   Cellular Laptop with built-in DVD-RW Player ]

Monday, 26 December 2022


[ Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone ( ALL-in-ONE ) ] _ Windows 10  OS  machine

[ 15.6 inches Touchscreen Auto-rotate " foldable 360 degrees " INTEL-based Windows 10 5G Cellular   Laptop with built-in DVD-RW Player and with built-in SIM Card Slot ] is an INTEL-based Windows 10 5G Cellular Laptop , that I envisioned , and when we subscribe to a Cellular Data Plan which comes with a SIM Card and with a phone number , the [ 15.6 inches Touchscreen Auto-rotate " foldable 360 degrees " INTEL-based Windows 10 5G Cellular Laptop ] can operate like a 5G smartphone , so that there is no need to purchase or buy or carry a 5G Smartphone .

My Laptop is my Smartphone.

My 5G Laptop is my 5G Smartphone.

My 5G Cellular Laptop is my 5G Smartphone.

Colleagues talk to each other on  their  4G LTE  laptop  or             5G  laptop       with       " crystal clear "   voice  calls  using  VoLTE  or  Vo5G  )

Picture above  is for illustrative purposes only .   ALL-in-ONE  machine that serve as a  Laptop and as a Tablet and as a Smartphone .   





Picture above is for illustrative purposes only .  Picture above  is for illustrative purposes only .   ALL-in-ONE  machine that serve as a  Laptop and as a Tablet and as a Smartphone .


P.S.  In my opinion, with the advent of  Windows 10  INTEL-based 5G Cellular Laptop ,   a  Windows-based  program of  WhatsApp  software  in the form of  .exe   file ( for example  WhatsApp.exe )  ,  should be made available  to  Windows 10  INTEL-based   5G Laptop, shown above ,   so that when installed  inside   the    machine shown above , and with some basic/simple   configuration ,  we can use the  Windows-based   WhatsApp  software  to make video calls  with  the  Windows 10  INTEL-based   5G Laptop straight  away , without requiring any 5G  Smartphone , without   requiring   any                  5G Tablet ( 5G Tablet with phone functionality ) for that matter .    It is just like making a  WhatsApp video call on a  5G    Apple/Android   Smartphone   but this time we are doing it on a  Windows 10  INTEL-based   5G Cellular Laptop , meaning , no  tethering is required , no 5G  Smartphone is required , no 5G Tablet ( 5G Tablet with phone functionality ) is required .  There is no need to use a  5G Smartphone rear facing camera or a  5G Tablet rear facing camera to scan to log in to WhatsApp(log in on phone to use WhatsApp on Web) in order to use WhatsApp  on a  Windows 10  INTEL-based  5G Cellular Laptop .  No need to keep your 5G phone connected .  No need to keep your 5G Tablet connected .  No 5G  Smartphone is required , no 5G Tablet ( 5G Tablet with phone functionality ) is required .  No    " Microsoft Phone   Link "   software [ 1 2 3 ]  required .    If we can do it on a   5G   Apple/Android  Smartphone , we can also do it on a  5G  Cellular  Laptop !    In my opinion , there is no point having a 5G  Cellular Laptop or buying a  5G  Cellular Laptop or calling the machine   a    " 5G Cellular Laptop "    if the   " 5G Cellular Laptop "   cannot make telephone calls or receive telephone calls or have phone functionality ( can make audio and video calls ) , just like a  5G Smartphone .
Your Laptop is your Smartphone .
Your 5G Laptop is your 5G Smartphone .
1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 ]  

Saturday, 24 December 2022

 The   benefits/advantages  of having a [ 15.6 inches Touchscreen " foldable 360 degrees " INTEL-based Windows 10 5G Cellular   Laptop with built-in DVD-RW Player ] compared to having a  5G Android Smartphone

  •  Some people say ,   " Laptops have the advantage of being able connect to a larger screen but Smartphones , too , have the ability to connect to a larger screen with SAMSUNG DeX and have the ability to be carried anywhere "
        Based on my basic knowledge , my answer is ,   "  Laptops like
        this  can also be carried anywhere plus can make phone calls,
        too , just like a 5G smartphone .
  • Some people say ,   " Smartphones ( with the increasingly advance technology they use ) can now perform many of the functions that were once unique to Laptops "
       Based on my knowledge , my answer is ,   "  With Laptops like
       this  I can do hard disk drive cloning using Clonezilla , I can
       transfer files from one Laptop to another Laptop using  USB
       port with these cables [ 1 2 3 ] and  with the help of a
       System Utility which is called    " USB to USB File Transfer
       Utility "   .  With Laptops like this  I can connect a  DVD-RW
       Player to burn CD's , DVD's , play DVD movies . I think this is a
       few examples of a unique thing in a Laptop which a Smartphone
       cannot do .
  • Some people say ,   " Laptops cannot run Smartphone apps " 
           Based on my knowledge , my answer is ,   "  Laptops can run
       Smartphone apps with the help of Bluestack  software .  I
       believe  , not every Android apps on a Smartphone can run on a
       Laptop with the help of  Bluestack software .  I guess if there is
       an Android app on a Smartphone which we want to run on a
       Laptop like this and the Bluestack software  do not support it ,
       we have to find a Windows equivalent of that Android app and if
       it is not available, we have to build that  Android apps to run
       under Windows .
  • Some people say ,   " Not every Android apps on a Smartphone offers a Windows equivalent so that we can install it on our INTEL-based   Windows 10   PC/Laptop/Tablet "
           Based on my basic knowledge , my answer is ,   "  Laptops can
       Smartphone apps (Android apps) with the help of Bluestack
       software .  I believe  , not every Android apps on a Smartphone
       can run on a Laptop with the help of  Bluestack software .  I
       guess if there is an Android app on a Smartphone which we want
       to run on a Laptop like this and the Bluestack software  do not
       support it , we have to find a Windows equivalent of that Android
       app and if it is not available, we have to build that  Android apps
       to run under Windows . 
  •  Some people say ,   " These days , as of today ,             October 2023 , Smartphones can do    " most "   of the things that a laptop can do " .  In my opinion , I don't think so
  •  Due to high processing power, battery consumption of laptop is quite high; even in the case of the top laptop brands, you can hardly use the device for more than 6-7 hours
  •  When we want to convert our machine into a book reader or  movie player  , a Laptop ( especially with a  15.6 inches screen size ) will be better than a  Smartphone or a  Tablet in terms of screen size .  A    15.6 inches  " 360 degrees foldable "    Laptop with Touchscreen will be excellent for this job because it can be folded to become a   15.6 inches  Tablet  with so much screen real estate so that we can read e books in LANDSCAPE MODE or  PORTRAIT MODE , according to our wishes .

  • My Laptop is my Smartphone .

  • My 5G Laptop is my  5G Smartphone .  

Monday, 19 December 2022

rear facing camera


Having a   15.6 inches   " 360 degrees foldable "   Laptop also means that when the  15.6 inches Foldable Laptop is folded into a Tablet , the Rear Facing Camera which is behind the  15.6 inches Display of the Foldable Laptop , is  blocked by the keyboard . To overcome this , in my opinion , there are two ways . Firstly , we could have a small cinch at the keyboard in order to prevent the Rear Facing Camera being blocked by the keyboard when the  15.6 inches Folded Laptop is folded into a  Tablet . Secondly , we could place the Rear Facing Camera at the top right hand corner of the keyboard which is near the  " 360 degrees foldable " hinges .

Saturday, 17 December 2022

  Below , is my version of the  SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra  , which is  the incarnation of the    " SAMSUNG Galaxy TabPro  S  with phone  functionality "


The image above is for illustrative purposes only .   My version of the  SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra   5G  (15.6 inches) with built-in DVD-RW Player ] which can make telephone calls like a 5G smartphone .    

Above is my version of the  SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra  5G  (15.6 inches) with built-in DVD-RW Player ]  which is a  big  Windows 10  5G  Tablet

Since the 15.6 inches Windows 10  5G  voice-calling  Tablet  has a   15.6 inches screen size , has a  15.6 inches form factor , I believe , it is possible to put or squeeze a DVD-RW Player on either side of the display . The diagram above shows a DVD-RW Player located on the Right Hand Side of the display on the   SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra  5G  (15.6 inches) with built-in DVD-RW Player ]  machine .

Since the  15.6 inches Windows  5G voice-calling  Tablet have a built-in DVD-RW Player , the Windows 5G voice-calling  Tablet  is going to be a bit thicker than normal or slightly thicker than a normal/traditional   5G Folding Smartphone or slightly thicker than a normal/traditional  5G  Tablet .  I believe this is logical because of the thickness of the DVD-RW Player  which is embedded inside it .

Anyway , having a  15.6 inches Windows  5G voice-calling  Tablet with a built-in DVD-RW Player , is very useful and very handy  , when doing software installation , when doing software archiving , when burning DVD's , when backing up videos and home movie collection , etc., etc.


Do we still need an Optical CD/DVD Drive ? In my opinion , we still do [  1  2  3  4  5  6 7  8 9 ], regardless whether it is on a  5G Cellular Laptop , or on a  5G  Cellular Tablet or on a  5G  Folding Smartphone ( example , a 5G Folding Smartphone with a dual-display design that can unfold into a  15.6 inches Tablet ) . 

Are Windows Tablets about to make a comeback ?  In my opinion , Yes !  If God willing , with the presence of a machine like the  [ SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra  5G  (15.6 inches) with built-in DVD-RW Player ] , shown  above , which can make a telephone call and reply a telephone call like a 5G smartphone , it will make a comeback .