Wednesday, 4 December 2024



Why 15.6 inches screen size in a a 5G smartphone?


Why  15.6 inches screen size on  a 5G smartphone ?   [ 1 2 ]



1.   Why 15.6 inches screen size in a  5G
        smartphone ?   
        There are some
        consumers there are some people or senior
        when they see  a 5G Smartphone with a  screen size of
        15.6 inches  , they love it so much .    The main
        reason I believe is  that for people or consumers
        or  senior  citizens  who want only one
        computing device , 15.6-inches screen size hits the
        spot.  It's the minimum screen size to achieve
        the kind of usability , required in
        having only one device , required in having only
      one computer ,  required in having only one machine
        which they can use as a 5G Laptop, which they can use
        as a 5G Tablet and above all which they can use as a
        5G Smartphone.
        And that one machine ,  and that one
        computing device could be  a  5G 
      With a 15.6 inches screen size or a 15.6
inches form factor ,
      5G  Smartphone should be quite big ( just like the
onscreen keyboard for a Windows 10 tablet ) so that typing ( sms ,
emails , WhatsApp messages , WeChat messages , Snapchat
messages , Facebook , Instagram , etc., etc. ) and
tapping on a large 15.6 inches onscreen
           keyboard is a much more accurate experience
      size of  15.6 inches , there is no need to connect it to :
  1. external portable screen monitor  in order to increase the screen of  a  5G Smartphone to  15.6 inches like this or  this or this or this or this or this  OR  to turn a  5G Smartphone into a  15.6 inches Tablet like this or  this or this or this or this  OR  to turn a 5G Smartphone into a full-blown Desktop like this or this or this or this or this or this because the 15.6 inches form factor in  a  15.6 inches  5G Smartphone  is already huge . Unless we want the 15.6 inches 5G Smartphone to  connect  to a larger display or a much bigger monitor screen size  e.g. 17 inches ,  22 inches , 27 inches , 32 inches ,  40 inches ,  55 inches or bigger .  Most  Android    apps   will have no problem in going to full-screen mode on a  6 inches or 7 inches or 8 inches  5G smartphone BUT when Android apps sit  on a  15.6 inches 5G Smartphone , I believe, some Android apps will not work properly and some Android apps will not work in FULL-SCREEN mode(a good example is this machine  and  this).  I hope and I believe the  Android developers who create these Android apps will be able to solve this problem , especially problems related to Android apps that sit on an Android machine or Android computer hardware  which has  a screen size of  15.6 inches or  bigger ,  regardless whether it is on a  Laptop(an Android Laptop that has a screen size of  15.6 inches) or on a Tablet(an Android Tablet that has a screen size of  15.6 inchesor on a  Smartphone(an Android Smartphone or a 5G smartphone that has a screen size of  15.6 inches).   Furthermore when a 5G smartphone has a screen size of  15.6 inches , and  with that  15.6 inches  form  factor ,   a  15.6 inches    5G  Smartphone  can be a good gaming phone or a  good  gaming tablet  too .   It is just like having the screen size of a  a  15.6 inches  Windows gaming laptop
  2. SAMSUNG DeX .  In my opinion , a 5G smartphone  that have a screen size of  15.6 inches is the best  SAMSUNG DeX  alternative (more).     
2.    Why 15.6 inches screen size in a 5G
        smartphone ?   
        Having a  15.6 inches 5G smartphone is
        like having a  15.6 inches version of
        the  SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab
              S8 Ultra (SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra is only   14.6 inches).    
        So , having a  15.6 inches 5G smartphone with all the
        hardware specifications and all the existing hardware
      that is present
        inside the  SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab
              S8 Ultra  and with the addition of a  DVD-RW Player
      would be great , would be awesome .

3.    Why 15.6 inches screen size in a 5G
               smartphone ?   
        15.6 inches extra screen real estate  on
         a 5G smartphone ,
       comes in very handy when
      the split screen function or multi-window  and 
        having said that ,        it  is    ideal
        for having two windows or four windows
        open  simultaneously on a 5G


4.       Why 15.6 inches screen size in a 5G
        smartphone ?
      15.6 inches extra screen real estate in a
       5G smartphone is great for
      watching  Netflix and iflix .

5.     Why 15.6 inches screen size in
         a 5G smartphone ?
         15.6 inches extra screen size in a 5G
          smartphone when connected to a External DVD Player ,
          a  15.6 inches 5G
          Smartphone can be
          a  good  portable DVD player

6.    Why 15.6 inches screen size in a 5G
        smartphone ?
       15.6 inches extra screen size in a 5G
       smartphone can be a  good   portable  TV
       player .

7.   Why 15.6 inches screen size in a 5G
        smartphone ?
       15.6 inches extra screen size in a
      5G smartphone is great
      and with that
        15.6 inches  form factor  it can be a  good
        " 5G Cloud  Gaming "   machine , like for example ,
        this machine .

8.      Why 15.6 inches screen size in a
        5G  smartphone ? 
      15.6 inches extra screen size in a
      5G smartphone is great
      and with that
        15.6 inches  form factor  it can be a  good   5G Tablet
9.    Why 15.6 inches screen size in a
        5G  smartphone ?
        15.6 inches extra screen size in a 5G
         smartphone is a good form factor and can be
         a       " big screen entertainment machine "  just like , for
         example , the  15.6 inches screen size used in the  
         TESLA Screenmate [ 1 2 3 4 ]   and the  15.6
       inches screen size that is used in  this

10.    Why 15.6 inches screen size in a
          5G  smartphone ?
          Some users prefer to consume content in portrait
          mode ( photos , websites, TikTok , Twitter feeds , etc., etc.)
          and 15.6 inches  is a
          good screen size  and  15.6 inches is a good form
          factor to       view/consume     content  in  portrait mode .
          As a result ,  developers of Android apps ,  should be
          prepared  to provide both landscape and portrait layouts
          in their appsin their  software , to cater
          for  the 15.6 inches screen size Android
       devices , regardless whether it is a
       15.6 inches 5G Android Smartphone or a
       15.6 inches Android 5G Laptop(360 degrees
              foldable  OR  detachable)  or  a  15.6 inches 5G
        Android Tablet  or  a
       " 5G Android Folding-Smartphone-that-
       can-unfold-into-a-15.6 inches-Tablet " 

11.    Why 15.6 inches screen size in a
            5G  smartphone ?
         Some people say   " it is difficult to keep a 5G
            Smartphone with 15.6 inches screen size or
            15.6 inches form factor inside a pocket "  and
            that make  15.6  inches machine like a  15.6 inches
            5G  Smartphone  impractical " .  
         But my  reply is ,    " get   a  17 inch backpack and put
            the  15.6 inches  5G  Smartphone inside the  17 inch
                 backpack . Furthermore  a  15.6 inches
         machine looks great inside
         a  17 inch             backpack   regardless
         whether it is a 15.6 inches 5G Smartphone or a  15.6 inches 5G Tablet or
         a  15.6 inches 5G Laptop or a  5G Folding Smartphone(A  5G
                  FoldingSmartphone-that-can-unfold-into-a-15.6 inches  5G Tablet".  

12.     Why 15.6 inches screen size in a
             5G  smartphone ? 

13.     Why 15.6 inches screen size in a smartphone or a
          5G  smartphone ?
          15.6 inches extra screen size or
       15.6  inches form
        factor  is great for a gaming phone .
           A  smartphone or a
        5G smartphone that has a screen size of
          15.6 inches  is
          very practical for a gaming phone. There
          has never been a better time to  produce a
          mobile/phone    system that     caters to the                       demands of the   Mobile/Phone     gaming
       crowd and having a  Mobile/Phone
       system or a 5G
       smartphone that have a screen
          size of  15.6 inches ,    should be able to fulfill
          their   gaming needs in a bigger screen .

14.   Why 15.6 inches screen size in a smartphone or                  a  5G  smartphone ?  
            15.6 inches screen size in a smartphone or a
            5G smartphone is also great for playing

                    Nintendo Switch Games SonyPlaystation Games
                and  Xbox Games 

15.  Why 15.6 inches screen size in a smartphone or a
          5G  smartphone ?
          At a certain age (50+ and 60+ and 70+) , such a small
          screen 6 inches or 7 inches or 8 inches ) on a Smartphone or a
          5G smartphone ,  is  unpleasant to work with .  As for
          me ,15.6 inches is  just nice .  Having said that , 
          15.6 inches is a good screen size for a smartphone or a
          5G smartphone.

16.  Why 15.6 inches screen size in a smartphone or a
          5G  smartphone ?
          Why  15.6 inches  screen size ?  For example , when a
          smartphone or a 5G smartphone have a diagonal
          screen size of 15.6 inches and with that
         15.6 inches form factor , believe , we have
          automatically turn our  Android Phone  or 5G
          smartphone into an  Android PC  , into  a   5G Android
              PC .   By just adding a     wireless/bluetooth     mouse

          and  a   wireless/bluetooth    keyboard to the

          15.6 inches Android Phone  or  15.6 inches  5G

          smartphone , we should 

          be able to make the   15.6 inches Android Phone or

          15.6 inches 5G smartphone 

          behave like a proper 15.6 inches   PC/Desktop  or a

          15.6 inches  Laptop  OR  turn the  15.6 inches

          Smartphone or  15.6 inches  5G smartphone  into a

          Work Station or  a   Mobile  Workstation .

          And best of all , we have a  PC/Laptop

          and a Tablet and a  Smartphone built

          into one device to meet all  our computer

          hardware needs . 

          There is no need to carry 3 devices .

          There is no need to carry 3 chargers .

          There is no need to subscribe to 3 different  

          Cellular Data Plan .
          We carry only  1  device .
          We carry only 1 charger .
          We subsribe only to 1 Cellular Data Plan.
          That's it !

17.   As of today , 26th.October 2018 , big screen
         Android/Windows/Linux    Smartphones ,
         is only around

         6 inches or 7 inches screen size , so , big screen
         phones are not taking the role of Tablets . Big screen
         Android/Windows/Linux         phones  will take the
       of a  tablet when big screen
         Android/Windows/Linux        phones  have a screen
       size of  15.6 inches .

           15.6 inches version  of  SAMSUNG Galaxy Note  9
           smartphone ,  will make a  good  15.6 inches
               Android Tablet .   That   15.6 inches
               Android Tablet   will  look   thin and light and
              slim and sleek   just like the   SAMSUNG Galaxy
          Note 9 Smartphone    BUT ONLY BIGGER .
       In my opinion , a    15.6 inches version of  the
         SAMSUNG  Galaxy Note 9   ,  will look
                OF ALL which can serve as  a
19.  Some people say  " Yes . Bigger screens are okay .
              There is a lot of people who prefer and use bigger
              screens . What     hardware/software     manufacturer
              need to do is make smaller screens for people who
              prefer and use smaller screens and also make
              bigger screens for people who prefer and use bigger
              screens .  So , why not both ?  Why do small screen
              users want    hardware/software    companies to stop
          making bigger screens  " .                                        I , fully agree with this statement !

20.       15-inch-level  or  15.6 inches-level
           laptops took up 50 percent of
       Korea's laptop
           sales during the third quarter of

    Personally , as of today December 2024 , I am still a fan of the 15.6 inches screen size , 
    which is my favorite form factor for a Laptop ,   for a Tablet , for a  Smartphone , for a  Folding Smartphone (
    A FoldingSmartphone-that-can-unfold-into-a-15.6 inches Tablet) ,   and  for a  [ Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (All-in-One) ]   machine , like for example ,  the     [ 15.6 inches  Touchscreen    Auto-rotate   "360 degrees foldable"   INTEL-based   Linux  5G  Cellular Laptop with built-in DVD-RW Player ].

    If someone were to ask me  or  if  this gentleman were to ask me  " What is your favorite screen size or your perfect screen size for a Smartphone or a  5G Smartphone ?

    I would definitely answer ,   " I would love to have a  15.6 inches  5G Smartphone . 
    For me ,  15.6 inches is the perfect size for a  5G smartphone " .  

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