Tuesday, 4 March 2025


I have been blogging for so many years since 2011 using the simple and very basic software called GOOGLE BLOGGER SOFTWARE .  Recently GOOGLE blog my  website , meaning   my blog was unpublished because GOOGLE say  my blog violates BLOGGER COMMMUNITY GUIDELINES .   In my opinion  , I find there is no wrong doing on my part , in what I post online .  I treat my blog like a temporary scratch pad , and what i write on my blog is related to what I love doing , is related to what computer hardware devices that I would like to materialize in this world for the benefit of mankind , is related to the introduction of creating  a safe bicycle path in my Country ,  is related to GENERAL KNOWLEDGE on what I like to hear and what I like to see in YouTube and TikTok and other video hosting platform , is related to giving good advice to a Satellite TV Station in my country NOT TO SHOW LGBT  TV    CONTENT/PROGRAMMES  which is watched by millions of people in my Country including Muslims and non-Muslims(myself and MUSLIMS in my Country do not feel comfortable or easy with LGBT content appearing inside our   household/satellite   TV  because of our strong religious belief whereby ISLAM is the official religion of our Country .  Majorityof Muslims in our Country are  God-fearing people and we are afraid of ALLAH/God's   Wrath .   By   ALLAH/God's    Grace , we do not want  COVID-19 to come again  or other forms of calamity come to our Country like  for example Earthquake , Wildfire ,  Drought ,  Famine , Flooding , Tsunami , etc.,etc.,  due to   ALLAH/God's   Wrath   when LGBT  content is watched by  millions of people in our Country) ,  is related to giving good religious advise to my Muslim brothers and sisters , is related to links from Corporate websites that I would like to attach to my blog which I find if there is something interesting ,  

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