" An OS is more than simply what it looks like. If we prefer the look of Windows while preferring the functionality of Linux, why shouldn't we have both ". I , Norizan bin Hassan agree 100% . As a retired Technician , i have worked with various Operating Systems (like human beings , each and every one of them have their own idiosyncrasies) and i really enjoy very much working with all of them and I am looking forward for a day whereby we can have a 5G Folding Smartphone that can unfold into a 15.6 inches Tablet and can run 3 different Operating Systems ( Windows OS , Linux OS and Android OS) and can make phone calls and answer phone calls, just like a 5G smartphone, on all the 3 different Operating Systems. This kind of 5G machine will allow us to use it as a 15.6 inches 5G PC/Desktop , as a 15.6 inches 5G Laptop , as a 15.6 inches 5G Tablet , and above all as a 5G Smartphone . Meaning , we can make phone calls and reply phone calls and can do all the 5G smartphone related task , in LAPTOP MODE and in TABLET MODE , so much so that we will be able to utilize the full potential of this 5G machine , for work , for education and for entertainment .
I am very sure nobody will make this kind of 5G machine but it is hard to not love the specs/features of this 5G machine because with this 5G machine, we can keep on Linuxing , we can keep on Windowing and we can keep on Android-ing . Have a nice day .