Tuesday, 6 June 2023




As of today  January 2024 , all  5G  USB Dongle or 5G USB Stick [ 1 2 3 ] , that are sold on the market today , when connected/inserted  to a    PC/Desktop   of our choice(which have no 5G internet connection)  or  when connected  to a  Laptop of our choice(which have no 5G internet connection) or when connected  to a   Tablet of our choice(which have no 5G internet connection) , can only give 5G connectivity at 5G speed to  PC/Desktop/Laptop/Tablet    of our choice BUT it cannot be use as a tool so that  the   PC/Desktop/Laptop/Tablet  can  make phone calls by dialing a phone number(using a phone dialer app) directly  on the   PC/Desktop/Laptop/Tablet(which have no 5G connectivity) touch screen/display ,   just like a 5G smartphone . The 5G  USB Dongle or 5G USB Stick [ 1 2 3 ] can only give 5G connectivity at 5G speed to PC/Desktop/Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone(4G Smartphone) but the  of our choice but cannot make phone calls or do voice calls , just like a 5G smartphone.

In my opinion , wth the advent of 5G , IoT , AI , etc., etc.,  all  5G  USB Dongle ( 5G USB Stick ) , for example , like this or this or this , should be re-engineered to be able to make phone calls and receive phone calls just like a 5G smartphone ,  when these devices are inserted into any USB Type-C port of any   PC/Desktop/Laptop/Tablet(which have no 5G connectivity) . Meaning .........

In my opinion , 5G is not only meant for smartphones or 5G smartphones but 5G should also be given  to PC's , Desktops , Laptops , Tablets , 4G smartphones(4G LTE smartphone that have not been upgraded to a 5G smartphone) , Engineering Workstations ,  so , having a 5G USB Dongle that can give smartphone functionality to a  PC/Desktop or to a Laptop or to a Tablet or to a 4G smartphone or to an Engineering Workstation , is indeed a blessing .

Not everybody can afford to buy a 5G Laptop , and not everybody can afford to subscribe to another Cellular Data Plan and pay monthly to have data on a 5G Laptop , so , having  a 5G Cellular Laptop that can operate like a 5G smartphone would be a tremendous savings for the consumers . No 5G smartphones needed . No 5G tablets needed . There is no need to purchase 2 devices or 3 devices . There is no need to have 2 chargers or 3 chargers . 

We only carry 1 device . 

We only carry 1 charger . 

We only subscribe to  one Cellular Data Plan . 

We only carry with us  1 unit of  5G Cellular Laptop . 

Thats it ! 


In my opinion , wth the advent of 5G , IoT , AI , etc., etc.,  a  5G  USB Dongle ( 5G USB Stick ) like this or this or this , should be re-engineered  when inserted into can only be use to access 5G connectivity

As of today February 2024 , all the current  15.6 inches  Touchscreen  5G Laptops and  14 inches  Touchscreen  4G Laptops in the market cannot do like that , meaning we cannot use them to make phone calls by dialing  a phone number on the  5G/4G   Laptop   15.6 inches  Touchscreen  just like what we do on  a                      5G/4G    smartphone  which is not similar to a 5G smartphone.   In my opinion , the 5G Laptop should be reengineered similar to a 5G smartphone , that means , besides being an always-connected PC  ........... Note 9 display which is ins

connect to Wi-Fi a  4G LTE  network 

which look something like this

5G _  My   vision/version  of a  5G USB Dongle that can be use to make phone calls and reply phone calls like a 5G smartphone when connected to a traditonal  PC/Desktop or a traditional  Laptop or a  Traditional Tablet or a   4G  smartphone _  Not everybody can afford to buy a 5G Laptop ,  let alone a 5G Laptop that can make phone calls and reply phone calls like a  5G smartphone .  So , having a  5G USB Dongle or a  5G  USB  Stick  connected to a  traditonal  PC/Desktop or a traditional  Laptop or a  Traditional Tablet   in order to have  5G Internet  connectivity at  5G speed and at the same time we can   make phone calls and reply phone calls  directly on the  traditonal  PC/Desktop ,  at the same time we can   make phone calls and reply phone calls  directly on the  traditional  Laptop ,  at the same time we can   make phone calls and reply phone calls  directly on the  Traditional Tablet , just like a 5G  smartphone ,    should be  great .  Basically , it is a  5G  Laptop with  15.6 inches screen size , that is  either   " 360 degrees foldable "  or      "detachable"  (as for me , I would prefer a 5G Laptop that is "3l60 degrees foldable"  because a   "360 degrees foldable"  5G  Laptop  can be converted into a 5G  Tablet swiftly without detaching the screen like this  or  this  and can be operated in various mode as shown here)  with  a   " touchscreen " , with built-in  DVD-RW  Player [ 1 2 ] , preferably  INTEL-based    processor/microprocessor  running  INTEL-based  Windows 10 Operating System 1 (not ARM-based Windows 10 Operating System), with built-in 5G modem [ 1 2  ]  and has  a   5G    SIM /  nano SIM   Card  Slot   or  eSIM , that 5G Laptop must have a phone dialer and when we subscribe to a  Cellular Data Plan [ 1 ]  from an Internet Service Provider  that come with a phone number or a personal phone number , we can dial a phone number on the 5G Laptop 15.6 inches  Touchscreen  just like what we do on a 5G smartphone , so much so that we can use that 5G Laptop to make phone calls to someone or to anyone or to a  landline telephone  using   his/her   phone number  and we can use that  5G  Laptop  to   answer phone calls  from someone or  from  anyone or from a   landline telephone directly on that 5G Laptop ,  just like a  5G smartphone .  Since the 5G SIM Card of an Android 5G Cellular Laptop is interchangeable and can be swapped back and forth with an  Android 5G smartphone , we can make phone calls and reply phone calls either with our  Android 5G Cellular Laptop or with our  5G smartphone  by using the same 5G SIM Card .  Sometimes we do not want to make a VoIP  call using a Mobile App like WhatsApp on our 5G Laptop , we have a phone number from someone  and we just  want to dial that phone  number on our  5G Laptop 15.6 inches Touchscreen ,  just like we do on a  5G smartphone  With   a   5G    Laptop  like that ,  we should be able to use our 5G  Laptop  as a full featured   phone/Smartphone ,  just like a  5G  smartphone.  Since that  5G  Laptop  is   "360 degrees foldable " , that  5G  Laptop can  serve as  a  Laptop , it can serve as a  Tablet and above all it can serve as  a   5G  Smartphone .  Meaning , we can make phone calls and answer phone calls directly on that  5G  Laptop , just like a  5G  smartphone either in  LAPTOP MODE or  in  TABLET MODE or in  TENT MODE or in  STAND MODE .  As of today January 2024 ,  with the advent of 5G , implementing  a  voice-calling feature  in an  Android 5G Cellular Laptop just like a  5G smartphone  is not  an extra fancy feature anymore and , in my opinion , it should be standard in all 5G Laptops sold in the market today  , regardless of the Operating System being used regardless of screen size , regardless whether it is  "360 degrees foldable"   or   " detachable" . 

meaning , a 5G SIM card from a 5G Laptop when inserted into a 5G smartphone or a 5G Tablet can be use to make phone calls and reply phone calls on our 5G smartphone and our 5G Tablet and simultaneously  surf the Internet at breakneck speed with our 5G smartphone and our 5G Tablet using the 5G network.

5G _ Computer accessories that i would like to have and i would like to carry with me with my  [15.6 inches Touchscreen   "360 degrees foldable"   INTEL-based Windows 10  5G Cellular Laptop wirh  built-in DVD-RW Player ]  if i had one. They are:

  •    a  17 inch Laptop Bag or a 17 inch Backpack . Eventhough my 5G Cellular Laptop is only  15.6 inches but a  17 inch Laptop bag is very handy because there is an extra space whereby i could put some extra things inside , put some extra stuff inside .
  •    a  Docking Station , so that i can connect a few extra stuff or connect a few computer peripherals to my 5G Cellular Laptop and utilize the full potential of my 5G Cellular Laptop .
  •    a  USB to USB  File Transfer Cable . This cable is very handy and very useful for transferring files from one   PC/Desktop/Laptop/Tablet   to  another     PC/Desktop/Laptop/Tablet .   Some cable come with a System Utility software and some cable do not come with a System Utility software.  These cables only work with  INTEL-based  machines and running INTEL-based  Windows Operating System(Windows 10 Operating System or Windows 11 Operating System) , so like for example  the  ........ should have no problem when using this  USB to USB File Transfer Cable.   Meaning , transferring files from a     [15.6 inches Touchscreen   "360 degrees foldable"   INTEL-based Windows 10  5G Cellular Laptop wirh  built-in DVD-RW Player ]   to  another          INTEL-based      PC/Desktop/Laptop/Tablet    which is also running  Windows Operating System   (Windows 10 Operating System or Windows 11 Operating System) , should work fine.
  •    a    Wireless/Bluetooth    keyboard and a   WIreless/Bluetooth   mouse . Sometimes when we use a     [15.6 inches Touchscreen   "360 degrees foldable"   INTEL-based Windows 10  5G Cellular Laptop wirh  built-in DVD-RW Player ] in  TABLET MODE and when we want to do  a  PRINTSCREEN  or do a screen capture of  a particular page in FULL , the  ON-THE-SCREEN  keyboard will also be captured during the  PRINTSCREEN and this is something that we do not want to include in our screen capture .   So , having a   Wireless/Bluetooth  keyboard  that have a  PRINTSCREEN  button  which is connected  wirelessly  to  the     [15.6 inches Touchscreen   "360 degrees foldable"   INTEL-based Windows 10  5G Cellular Laptop wirh  built-in DVD-RW Player in  TABLET MODE , when doing  PRINTSCREEN  should be very handy .


  • My   vision/version  of a  5G USB Dongle(5G USB Stick) _  Basically , it is a band our 5G tablet using the 5G network.  There is no need to subscribe to 3 different Cellular Data Plan in order to have 3 different 5G SIM Card , o

  • ne 5G SIM Card for the 5G Laptop , another 5G SIM Card for the 5G smartphone and another 5G SIM Card for the 5G tablet. We just subscribe to one  Unlimited Cellular Data Plan with 5G and with one  5G SIM Card and with one Phone Number , we can use it for our 5G  Laptop and our 5G smartphone and our 5G tablet .  Sometimes we do not want to make a VoIP  call using a Mobile App like WhatsApp , Skype , Zoom etc., etc., on our 5G Laptop , we have a phone number from someone  and we just  want to dial that phone  number on our  5G Laptop 15.6 inches Touchscreen ,  just like we do on a  5G smartphone  With   a   5G    Laptop which I envisioned   ,  we should be able to use our 5G  Laptop  as a full featured   phone/Smartphone ,  just like a  5G  smartphone.  Since that kind of  5G  Laptop  is   "360 degrees foldable " , that  5G  Laptop can  serve as  a  Laptop , it can serve as a  Tablet and above all it can serve as  a   5G  Smartphone .  Meaning , we can make phone calls and answer phone calls directly on that  5G  Laptop , just like a  5G  smartphone either in  LAPTOP MODE or  in  TABLET MODE or in  TENT MODE or in  STAND MODE .  As of today February 2024 ,  with the advent of 5G , IoT , nanotechnology , neural networks and AI , implementing  a  voice-calling feature  in a   5G Laptop or a 5G Cellular Laptop just like a  5G smartphone  is not  an extra fancy feature anymore and , in my opinion , it should be standard in all 5G Laptops sold in the market today  , regardless of the Operating System being used , regardless whether it is INTEL-based or  ARM-based , regardless of screen size , regardless whether it is  "360 degrees foldable"   or           "detachable" .   This  5G Cellular Laptop , which I envisioned , cannot be everything for everyone but it can be something for someone . This  5G Cellular Laptop , which I envisioned , cannot fix just about everything for everyone but it could fix something for someone .
  • This 5G Cellular Laptop , which I envisioned , that can make phone calls and reply phone calls like a 5G smartphone is the new way to PC and the new way to make phone calls .
  • The first  15.6 inches  5G phone with a keyboard .

The answer given by CHATGPT  is based on the question that I posted online that look something like this , which emphasize  " a 5G smartphone to another 5G smartphone " .  I might be wrong , but I believe if  someone were to make or build or design  a 5G Cellular Laptop that can make voice calls(answer phone calls and reply phone calls  like a 5G smartphone , THE ANSWER SHOULD BE THE SAME .   In my opinion , I also believe that 5G should not only be given to smartphones or 5G smartphones only , 5G should not even aimed at  phones only , but 5G should also be given  to  Laptops, PC's , Desktops , Tablets , 4G smartphones , Engineering Workstations ,  Drones , so , having a 5G USB Dongle that can give smartphone functionality to a  PC/Desktop or to a Laptop or to a Tablet or to an Engineering Workstation , is indeed a blessing .   All that being said , having a  5G USB Dongle that can increase the Internet speed of a  4G LTE  smartphone is  deeply appreciated

 The Yoga 7i is a 16-inch laptop, a tablet, and a tabletop screen in one device, and, notably, it works in all three of these configurations really well. All too often, ambitious design elements result in weird hybrids that are a jack of all trades, but master of none. The Yoga 7i, however, feels natural and functional in each mode.

This is partly due to the ease of swapping between configurations: Fold the keyboard back, and the screen swaps to portrait mode. Pop it into the "tent" position and it auto-adjusts accordingly. This snappy responsiveness is what makes the latest Yoga 7i feel like a truly flexible 2-in-1, something Lenovo seems to have spent a lot of time optimizing. (I did, however, encounter a few quirks that I'll touch on shortly.)    Source :  Internet

If people were to ask me  " What size phone screen do i need ? "  .  My answer will definitely be   15.6 inches !


what is the most listened Japanese songs in the 80's ? Thanks.
Sent by you: what is the most listened Japanese songs in the 80's ? Thanks.

Certainly! The 1980s in Japan saw a vibrant music scene, and several songs became iconic. Here are some notable J-pop hits from that era:

  1. “Omoide Breaker (Memory Breaker)” by Jun Togawa (1986) – Jun Togawa’s final single before her hiatus.
  2. “Kimi no Tonari ni (Next to You)” by Seiko Matsuda (1986) – A popular ballad.
  3. “Dancing Hero” by Yoshihiro Kai (1984) – An energetic track.
  4. “Koisuru Onnatachi (Loving Women)” by Seiko Matsuda (1985) – Another hit by Seiko Matsuda.
  5. “Mabataki (Flashes)” by Takuro Yoshida (1987) – A memorable song.

Feel free to explore these tunes and enjoy the nostalgic vibes! 🎶123


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