MAKING A TELEPHONE CALL AND REPLYING A TELEPHONE CALL with a Linux OS "360 degrees foldable" Cellular Laptop [ 15.6 inches INTEL-based Linux OS Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (All-in-One) with built-in DVD-RW Player ] can be done either in LAPTOP MODE or in TABLET MODE [ 1 2 ]
The picture above is for illustrative purposes only . ( VOICE CALLING IN LAPTOP MODE) with a [15.6 inches INTEL-based "360 degrees foldable" Linux OS Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone(ALL-in-ONE) with built-in DVD-RW Player] |
The picture above is for illustrative purposes only . ( VOICE CALLING IN LAPTOP MODE) with a [15.6 inches INTEL-based "360 degrees foldable" Linux OS Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone(ALL-in-ONE) with built-in DVD-RW Player] |
The picture above is for illustrative purposes only . ( VOICE CALLING IN LAPTOP MODE) with a [15.6 inches INTEL-based "360 degrees foldable" Linux OS Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone(ALL-in-ONE) with built-in DVD-RW Player] |
The picture above is for illustrative purposes only . ( VOICE CALLING IN LAPTOP MODE) with a [15.6 inches INTEL-based "360 degrees foldable" Linux OS Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone(ALL-in-ONE) with built-in DVD-RW Player]
The picture above is for illustrative purposes only . ( VOICE CALLING IN LAPTOP MODE) with a [15.6 inches INTEL-based "360 degrees foldable" Linux OS Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone(ALL-in-ONE) with built-in DVD-RW Player]
The picture above is for illustrative purposes only .VOICE CALLING on a [15.6 inches INTEL-based "360 degrees foldable" Linux OS Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone(ALL-in-ONE) with built-in DVD-RW Player] can be done in LAPTOP MODE or in TABLET MODE
The picture above is for illustrative purposes only . ( VOICE CALLING IN LAPTOP MODE) with a [15.6 inches INTEL-based "360 degrees foldable" Linux OS Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone(ALL-in-ONE) with built-in DVD-RW Player]
The picture above is for illustrative purposes only . ( VOICE CALLING IN LAPTOP MODE) with a [15.6 inches INTEL-based "360 degrees foldable" Linux OS Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone(ALL-in-ONE) with built-in DVD-RW Player]
The picture above is for illustrative purposes only . ( VOICE CALLING IN LAPTOP MODE) with a [15.6 inches INTEL-based "360 degrees foldable" Linux OS Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone(ALL-in-ONE) with built-in DVD-RW Player] |
The picture above is for illustrative purposes only . ( VOICE CALLING IN TABLET MODE) with a [15.6 inches INTEL-based "360 degrees foldable" Linux OS Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone(ALL-in-ONE) with built-in DVD-RW Player] which has been folded into a 15 inch Tablet . |
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