Friday, 30 April 2021


15.6 inches   version of  NOKIA  Lumia  2520 4G LTE  with  INTEL processor  running  Windows 10  OS  64-bit  with  built-in  DVD-RW  Player  and  with  voice  calling .

Picture above is for illustrative  purposes only .  It is not the actual picture , it is not the exact picture of  a  15.6 inches   NOKIA  Lumia 2520  4G LTE with  INTEL  processor running  Windows 10  OS  64-bit  with  built-in  DVD-RW  Player 

As a layman , this is my suggestion


I believe , as of today 1st May2021 , it is possible to build  a 15.6 inches version of  NOKIA Lumia 2520 4G LTE with Intel processors running Windows 10 Operating System 64-bit With a 15.6 inches form factor , NOKIA should be able to put an INTEL processor (i5 or i7 or Atom x3/x5/x7) and integrate it with a modem for voice calling , inside the machine and provide    adequate/efficient   cooling system and NOKIA could also   add an Ultra-Slim DVD-RW Player inside the machine   because it is very useful and handy .

Nowadays , mobile processors are used ( or modified to fit ) in Laptops and Tablets , but Mobile/Smartphone processors are not comparable to PC processors (i5/i7) in terms of performance . 

Another disadvantage is that , mobile processors that are used on Laptops/Tablets running Windows 10 OS ( Windows 10 OS  on  Laptop/Tablet  with Snapdragon processor ) , those Windows 10 OS does not support most Windows-based software we would usually install on our PC/Laptop , therefore they cannot take advantage of the existing Windows ecosystem So , a good candidate to overcome this problem is to use an INTEL processor  for the           " 15.6 inches  version of NOKIA  Lumia 2520  4G LTE  with built-in DVD-RW Player " .

A strong INTEL processor ( i5/i7  or Atom x3/x5/x7) , inside the  " 15.6 inches  version  of  NOKIA Lumia  2520 4G LTE  with built-in DVD-RW Player "   will make the display very responsive , browsing the web is fast and casual games can be played [1 2 3 4 5] .

The   processor inside the  " 15.6 inches  version  of  NOKIA Lumia  2520 4G LTE  with built-in DVD-RW Player "   does not have to be the latest or the greatest CPU or the bleeding edge of CPU , as long as the display is very  responsive , browsing the web is fast and casual games can be  played , it should be fine .

With an INTEL processor inside the                                                                                        "15.6 inches  version  of  NOKIA Lumia  2520 4G LTE  with built-in  DVD-RW Player " ,   it is possible to have a UEFI/BIOS on the System Board (Main Board ) . With the presence of a UEFI/BIOS on the System Board (Main Board) of  the   "15.6 inches  version  of  NOKIA Lumia  2520 4G LTE  with built-in DVD-RW Player " ,  it give us the chance/opportunity to install other Operating Systems on the    "15.6 inches  version  of  NOKIA Lumia  2520 4G LTE with built-in DVD-RW Player " as an alternatif ,  just like a PC/Desktop/Laptop . 

Please note that the purpose of this is not to delete the existing OS that is preinstalled on the     "15.6 inches  version  of  NOKIA Lumia  2520 4G LTE with built-in DVD-RW Player "                        ( which is Windows 10 OS 64bit ) but to install other Operating System like Linux , etc., etc., as an alternatif which we can use for study , work and play .

If NOKIA feel installing Linux OS on the      "15.6 inches  version  of  NOKIA Lumia  2520 4G LTE with built-in DVD-RW Player "  will pose a  security risk ,  perhaps ,  a  DUAL-BOOT  version of the    "15.6 inches  version  of  NOKIA Lumia  2520 4G LTE with built-in DVD-RW Player "  would be  great .  An      " Ubuntu-version "  of  the  Linux Operating System would be a good choice for the dual-boot process , meaning , the users have a choice to boot either from  Windows 10  OS  or  Linux  OS .  The  15.6 inches NOKIA machine will still function in either one of them ,  meaning , we can make telephone calls , receive telephone calls , sms , WhatsApp , WeChat ,  Snapchat , Instagram , Facebook , Twitter , etc., et., just like an Android Smartphone .  

Not long ago , the NOKIA Lumia 2520 4G LTE was a      Snapdragon-powered Windows RT Tablet , had it been an        INTEL-powered Windows 8 Tablet ( Full Desktop Version of Windows 8 64-bit ) with voice calling capability , and with a  15.6 inches screen size ,  and with built-in DVD-RW  Player , perhaps , it could be more successful .

DEAR  NOKIA , with this new hardware/software specifications and features for the  NOKIA Lumia 2520 4G LTE  , this new NOKIA machine , will give users access to plenty of Windows apps (32-bit and 64-bit )  on the Internet and Microsoft Store . Besides that all the   " 100 most popular Android OS "   Apps   should be made available to the  Windows 10  OS  platform  and  the  Linux Operating System  platform ( if the 15.6 inches  NOKIA  machine  DUAL-BOOT ) , too .  No doubt it requires a little bit of programming effort because programs running  Android OS with Snapdragon  have to be re-written or re-compile to run under  Windows 10   OS and  Linux OS ( Ubuntu-version ) using  INTEL processors ,     BUT IT IS WORTH THE EFFORT ,  considering the amount of users who are using those Apps  . 

Last but not least ,  the     " new version of  NOKIA  Lumia 2520         4G LTE "  will give users a Smartphone experience and a full-blown PC experience , in a Tablet mode and in Laptop mode .

Isn't that great !


A   15.6 inches version of  NOKIA Lumia 2520 4G LTE with Intel processors running Windows 10 Operating System 64-bit

15.6 inches Chrome OS Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone(All-in-One) require a cellular/data plan


15.6 inches   Chrome OS    Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (All-in-One) machine which has the physical appearance of a Laptop (foldable 360 degrees or detachable)  require a   cellular/data   plan


1. The    15.6 inches  Chrome OS     Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone(All-in-One)   are like 3G Laptops or 3G Notebooks or 3G Ultrabooks or 3G Tablets that operate like Mobile Phones  or  Smartphones .  Besides being a  Laptop and a  Tablet ,  they can also make telephone calls or receive telephone calls just like Mobile Phones . Since this machine behave like a Mobile Phone , you got to have a data plan , you got to have a cellular plan with a Telco in order to make telephone calls and receive telephone calls   and  access  the  Internet  with the   15.6 inches   Chrome OS   Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (All-in-One) .

2.  Also on the money side , there are added cost for getting a  cellular/data  plan for a  15.6 inches  Chrome OS  Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (ALL-in-One)  and  a   cellular/data    plan for our Smartphone . Meaning we got to have  2    cellular/data    plan . But  if  we  have a   15.6 inches  Chrome OS  Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (All-in-One) , we only require one      cellular/data    plan .   Just because we have a mobile-broadband-capable device , it does not mean that we are relying on    3G/4G/4G LTE/5G    for 24 hours to access the Internet .   Sometimes we rely on Wi-Fi ( e.g.  Hotspots ,  Home Wireless Router , etc., etc. )   inside the   15.6 inches  Chrome OS     Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (ALL-in-One)   to access the Internet , especially when we go back home to our house after work using our  Home Wireless  Router ,  and this help to save cost .  

3.  With the  15.6 inches   Chrome OS   Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (All-in-One) , we can access the Internet and do   phone/voice    calling  at  the same time ,  we can do both simultaneously ,  without having to carry an extra   Phone/Smartphone ,  without having to   buy/purchase   an extra      Phone/Smartphone .

4. There is no need to to tether our   Android   Phone/Smartphone  and share its  Internet connection with the    15.6  inches   Chrome OS   Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (All-in-One)  because  the   15.6  inches   Chrome OS   Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (All-in-One)  have  a     built-in     3G/4G/4G LTE/5G     module  that can do     phone/voice    calling   and   high-speed  Internet  access  at  the same time .     

Seniors who prefer large screen_Chrome OS


Seniors who prefer large screen due to their deteriorating eyesight will love this  Chrome OS  machine because of the 15.6 inches screen size and the 15.6 inches form factor and the  “ on-the-screen “    keyboard which come with the hardware/software .  Seniors will find typing sms , emails , WhatsApp , WeChat , Snapchat , Facebook , Instagram , etc., etc., on the   “ on-the-screen “  keyboard   is a much more accurate experience .

Wednesday, 28 April 2021

INTEL Processor/microprocessor is preferred


Processor/microprocessor :   INTEL Core i7  
      (x86-based)      or     a combination of INTEL Core i7 with
QUALCOMM Snapdragon 835   or  better .
      A strong  processor/microprocessor , like the  i5/i7 ,  so that the
      display is very responsive , browsing the web is fast and casual
      games can be played  [ 1 2 3 4 5 ] .
      It does not have to be the latest or the greatest CPU or the
      bleeding edge of CPU , as long as the display is very
      responsive , browsing the web is fast and casual games can be
      played , it should be fine .  
      A   strong   processor/microprocessor , like the   i5/i7 ,  that is
      Intel-based  or Intel powered is good for the                                                        15.6 inches  Chrome OS  Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (All-in-One)    and with the presence  a  UEFI/BIOS  on  the
      System Board (Main Board) of the   15.6 inches
    Chrome OS  Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (All-in-One)  ,   it give us the  chance/opportunity to install  other  Operating Systems on this machine as an alternatif . Please note that the purpose of this is not to delete the existing  OS that is preinstalled on this machine ( which is  Chrome OS )  but to install other   Operating System like   Linux  or  Windows 10  as an alternatif  which we can use for study , work and  play .     

Seniors who prefer large screen_Linux OS


Seniors  who prefer large screen due not all seniors prefer large screen ) to their deteriorating eyesight not all seniors have deteriorating eyesight ) will love this  15.6 inches Linux  machine because of the 15.6 inches screen size and the 15.6 inches form factor and the large    “ on-the-screen “    keyboard    which come with the  15.6 inches Linux machine .  The  “ on-the-screen “    keyboard which come with the           15.6 inches  Linux machine   is quite big ,  just like the  on-the-screen-keyboard of Windows 10  Tablet.

Seniors( not all seniors like big or large   “ on-the-screen “  keyboard )  will find typing sms , emails , WhatsApp , WeChat , Snapchat , Facebook , Instagram , etc., etc., on the   “ on-the-screen “  keyboard   is a much more accurate experience .

Snapdragon Laptop_2


An LTE-capable Snapdragon Laptop can only make phone calls using VoIP using Skype or Google Voice or WhatsApp Video or even Gmail , provided we have an Internet connection To make the LTE-capable Laptop always-on and always connected , just like a Smartphone we got to have a 24 hours connection to the Internet . To have an Internet connection , or to have a 24 hours connection to the Internet , we got to have a data plan with a network provider . An unlimited data plan sign up with a network provide would be amazing in order to make the LTE-capable Snapdragon Laptop always-on and always-connected . All these apps like Skype , Google Voice , WhatsApp video and Gmail require Internet connection for them to work properly . Wi-Fi Hotspot or free wi-fi normally provide weak signals and the Internet speed not up to the mark and as a result making voice calls with these apps ( Skype , Google Voice , WhatsApp video , Gmail , Zoom Phone , etc., etc.) from an LTE-enabled Laptop is not very clear compared to an Android Smartphone . Aonther reason that could contribute to this problem , could be this .

If a Laptop is using a Snapdragon chipset , I hope the hardware/software manufacturer could give the user/customer the option whether they wanted to use their Laptops or Tablets for voice calling or not . If voice calling is required , special

electronic modules could be added into their Laptops or Tablets . This will ensure that the Snapdragon Laptop can make telephone calls too just like an Android phone Besides that , the Snapdragon Laptop microphone should be reengineered for better voice clarity [ 1 ] , so that in future , making voice calls on a Laptop or on a Tablet should be as good as on a Smartphone Myself , for sure , would still prefer Windows 10 LTE Laptops on INTEL If I can make voice/phone calls with my “ Windows 10 LTE Laptops on INTEL “ machine just like an Android Smartphone , and have all the most popular apps ( most popular

100 Android apps ) on my “ Windows 10 LTE Laptops on INTEL “ , this machine will be my Ultimate Windows machine .

Voice calling _ Windows 10 OS machine



Voice calling

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Snapdragon Laptop


As of today 28 April 2021 , as far as I know , all Snapdragon Laptops running Windows 10 Operating System with LTE which have a SIM card slot cannot make voice/phone calls like an Android Smartphone . Meaning , the Snapdragon Laptops cannot make telephone calls and receive telephone calls , sms , WhatsApp , WeChat , Snapchat , Facebook , Instagram , etc., etc. like what an Android Smartphone can do .

Whatever the reason may be , if a Laptop is using a Snapdragon chipset , the hardware/software manufacturer should ensure that the Snapdragon Laptop should be able to do the same thing like what an Android phone can do , that is , the Laptop should be able to make voice calls too . One thing for sure , the Snapdragon Laptop microphone shouuld be reengineered for better voice clarity [ 1 ] , so that in future , making voice calls on a Laptop or on a Tablet should be as good as on a Smartphone Myself , for sure , would still prefer Windows 10 LTE Laptops on INTEL If I can make voice/phone calls with my “ Windows 10 LTE Laptops on INTEL “ machine , just like an Android Smartphone , and have all the most popular apps ( most popular

100 Android apps ) on my “ Windows 10 LTE Laptops on INTEL “ , this machine will be my Ultimate Windows machine .

Voice calling _ Linux OS


Voice calling

Receive/answer    telephone call and make telephone calls

 in  4  different ways:

1.   Receive/answer    phone calls and make telephone calls using a  landline telephone or a smartphone , receive/answer    traditional calls and make traditional  calls  through our carrier using a  landline telephone or a smartphone , receive/answer   a   GSM call and make a  GSM call through our carrier using a landline telephone or a smartphone , no Internet access is required , no broadband is required , no Wi-Fi is required . Just a good old plain , traditional calls from our carrier that are crystal clear , not choppy , not laggy , not stuttering using a  landline telephone or a smartphone .  

2.   Receive/answer     phone calls  and make  phone calls with our smartphone  using voice over  IP ( VoIP )  with Apps like  WhatsApp , WeChat ,  Snapchat ,     Zoom ,  Telegram ,  etc., etc.

3.   Receive/answer     phone  and  make  phone  calls with our smartphone using  voice over  LTE  ( VoLTE )

4.   Receive/answer     phone  and  make  phone  calls with our smartphone  using  voice over  5G    ( Vo5G)  

Monday, 26 April 2021

Old 15.6 inches traditional Laptop



[ 15.6 inches   Touchscreen  "detachable "   INTEL-based  Linux  5G Cellular Laptop  with  built-in  DVD-RW Player ] 

Picture above is for illustrative  purposes only .  [ 15.6 inches   Touchscreen  "detachable "   INTEL-based  Linux  5G Cellular Laptop  with  built-in  DVD-RW Player ]  which can serve as a Laptop , which can serve as a  Tablet , which can serve as a  Smartphone .   

Picture above is for illustrative  purposes only .  [ 15.6 inches   Touchscreen  "detachable "   INTEL-based  Linux  5G Cellular Laptop  with  built-in  DVD-RW Player ]  which can serve as a Laptop , which can serve as a  Tablet , which can serve as a  Smartphone .  The 15.6 inches Touchscreen   Display has been detached from the Keyboard and it automatically become a    [ 15.6 inches   Touchscreen     INTEL-based  Linux  5G Cellular Tablet  with  built-in  DVD-RW Player ] 

Sunday, 25 April 2021


Shown below are 15.6 inches   Lightweight  5G  Cellular Tablets(regardless of the Operating System being used , regardless whether it is  INTEL-based or  ARM-based) with phone/telephone   functionality ,                      that I envisioned , meaning ,   15.6 inches 5G Cellular Tablets that can make phone calls and reply phone calls just like a  5G smartphone


The  above picture is for illustrative purposes  only .     15.6  inches  Lightweight  5G Cellular Tablet .

The  above picture is for illustrative purposes  only .   15.6  inches  Lightweight 5G Cellular Tablet .

The  above picture is for illustrative purposes  only .     15.6  inches  Lightweight 5G Celullar Tablet .

The  above picture is for illustrative purposes  only .     15.6  inches  Lightweight  5G Cellular Tablet .

The  above picture is for illustrative purposes  only .     15.6  inches  Lightweight  5G Cellular Tablet .   A  wireless/bluetooth keyboard is placed in front of the  15.6 inches 5G  Cellular Tablet . A  wireless/bluetooth  mouse is not shownMake phone calls and reply phone calls with the  15.6 inches 5G  Cellular Tablet just like a 5G smartphone in LANDSCAPE MODE .

The  above picture is for illustrative purposes  only .     15.6  inches  Lightweight  5G Cellular Tablet .   A  wireless/bluetooth keyboard is placed in front of the  15.6 inches 5G  Cellular  Tablet . A  wireless/bluetooth  mouse is sitting next to the   wireless/bluetooth keyboard

The  above picture is for illustrative purposes  only .     15.6  inches  Lightweight  5G  Cellular  Tablet .  Make phone calls and reply phone calls with the  15.6 inches 5G Cellular Tablet just like a 5G smartphone in PORTRAIT MODE .

The  above picture is for illustrative purposes  only .     15.6  inches  Lightweight  5G  Cellular Tablet .  Make phone calls and reply phone calls with the  15.6 inches 5G  Cellular  Tablet just like a 5G smartphone in LANDSCAPE  MODE .

The  above picture is for illustrative purposes  only .     15.6  inches  Lightweight  5G  Cellular 
 .  Make phone calls and reply phone calls with the  15.6 inches 5G  Cellular Tablet just like a 5G smartphone in LANDSCAPE  MODE .

The  above picture is for illustrative purposes  only .     15.6  inches  Lightweight  5G  Cellular Tablet .   A  wireless/bluetooth keyboard is placed in front of the  15.6 inches 5G  Cellular Tablet . A  wireless/bluetooth  mouse is not shown .  A    Wireless/Bluetooth   Headset  is not shown .   Make phone calls and reply phone calls with the  15.6 inches 5G  CellularTablet just like a 5G smartphone in LANDSCAPE MODE  using a   Wireless/Bluetooth   Headset

Lightweight Laptops