Thursday, 25 February 2021


when a Smartphone has a screen size of 15.6 inches, and with that 15.6 inches form  factor ,  a   15.6 inches  Smartphone  can be a good gaming phone or a  good gaming  Tablet   too .  It is just like  having  a  Windows    gaming  laptop with a screen size of   15.6 inches   

The picture above is for illustrative purposes only , it is not the actual picture , it is not the exact picture of  a   15.6 inches   Smartphone .

Sunday, 21 February 2021

Google Chrome is slow as a Browser


Some people say , GOOGLE Chrome is slow as a Browser but as an Operating System on a PC/Laptop or on a Tablet or on a Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (All-in-One) , and by using an INTEL Processor in all these machines , and by adding voice capability(can make telephone calls and receive telephone calls) in all these GOOGLE machines , and by adding some handy/useful hardware/software features on all these machines , GOOGLE SHOULD PROVE THAT THE PUNDITS ARE WRONG .

Friday, 19 February 2021

Chrome OS has gone from being the 'nothing' OS to being the 'everything' OS


My vision of a  15.6 inches  Chrome OS

Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (ALL-in-One) which

has the physical

apearance of a  Tablet .  ( with built-in Ultra

Slim internal DVD-RW  Player )

With the introduction of Chrome OS on a

Laptop ,  Chrome OS  on a Tablet  and  Chrome OS on
a   Smartphone  and  Chome  OS  on  a   
Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone(All-in-One) ,  and with the
introduction of all these  7
System Utilities (which is very useful and handy )   inside the

Chrome Operating System ,  the statement 

that says  " Chrome OS has gone from being the

'nothing' OS to being the 'everything' OS  "   should be 

justified .   

Having said that , we should be able to utilise the
full potential of  the  Chrome OS regardless
whether Chrome OS is on a  Laptop or on
a Tablet or on a  Smartphone  or  on  a
Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone(All-in-One)  machine .

The Tablet-mode is very useful and handy


The Elegant Bag for Any  15.6 inches  Smartphone ,  the  Elegant Bag for Any  15.6 inches  Tablet , the Elegant Bag for Any  15.6 inches Cellular Laptop [ Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (All-in-One) ] 

The Elegant Bag for Any  15.6 inches  Smartphone ,  the  Elegant Bag for Any  15.6 inches  Tablet , the Elegant Bag for Any  15.6 inches Cellular Laptop [ Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (All-in-One) ] 

Multiple Monitor Setup


Monday, 15 February 2021

Why 15.6 inches screen size?


Why  I  like a  5G smartphone with a  diagonal screen size of  15.6 inches , or , why I like  a   15.6 inches 5G smartphone ?    [ 1 1 2 3 ]

Why  I  like a  5G  FoldingSmartphone-that-can-unfold-into-a-15.6 inches-Tablet ?    [ 1 2 3 4 5


Why I like 15.6 inches  screen size on a Laptop or 5G Cellular  Laptop ? [ 1 ]                     Why I like 16 inches screen size on a Laptop or 5G Cellular  Laptop , too ?  [ 1 2 3 ]


Why  15.6 inches screen size on   a  Tablet  [ 1 ]?


Why  15.6 inches screen size on  a                  Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (ALL-in-ONE) ]  machine like for example ,  this or this  [ 1 ]  or  this ?


1. Why 15.6 inches screen size ?   There are some
      consumers , there are some people or senior
      when they see a  Smartphone with a screen size of
      unfold to a   15.6 inches screen size to  become a 
      15.6 inches  Tablet , they love it so much .    The main
      reason I believe is  that for people or consumers
      or  senior  citizens  who want only one
      computing device , 15.6-inches screen size hits the sweet
      spot.  It's the minimum screen size to achieve
      the kind of usability , required in
      having only one device , required in having only
    one computer ,  required in having only one machine
     which they can use as a Laptop, which they can use as a
     Tablet and above all which they can use as a Smartphone.
      And that one machine ,  and that one
      computing device could be  a   Smartphone  or  a  5G 
      15.6 inches  or  a  5G folding Smartphone (A
      Smartphoneor it could be a  5G  Cellular Laptop
        15.6 inches Tablet  or    a   detachable   15.6 inches  5G  Laptop that
      can detach to become a  15.6 inches  Tablet ) or it could
      be a  5G  Cellular  Tablet ( a  5G Tablet which have a  15.6
      inches screen size ).
      With a 15.6 inches screen size or a 15.6
inches form factor ,
the onscreen keyboard , on a 15.6 inches Smartphone or on a 5G Folding Smartphone
  on a  5G Laptop ( " 360 degrees
foldable/detachable" 15.6 inches 5G Laptop that can
             transform/unfold/detach into a 15.6 inches
Tablet ) should be quite big ( just like the onscreen
keyboard for a Windows 10 tablet ) so that typing ( sms ,
emails , WhatsApp messages , WeChat messages , Snapchat
messages , Facebook , Instagram , etc., etc. ) and
tapping on a large 15.6 inches onscreen
       keyboard is a much more accurate
experience .
        When a  Smartphone has a screen size of
         Tablet , there is no need to connect them to :
  1. external portable screen monitor  in order to increase the screen of a Smartphone or a Folding Smartphone to  15.6 inches like this or  this or this or this or this or this  OR  to turn a Smartphone or a Folding Smartphone into a  15.6 inches Tablet like this or  this or this or this or this  OR  to turn a Smartphone or a Folding Smartphone into a full-blown Desktop like this or this or this or this or this or this  because the 15.6 inches form factor in a 15.6 inches Smartphone and the  15.6 inches form factor when  " a Folding Smartphone is unfold into a  15.6 inches Tablet " , is already huge . Unless we want the 15.6 inches Smartphone or the Folding Smartphone a folding Smartphone that can unfold into a 15.6 inches  Tablet )  to  connect  to a larger display or a much bigger monitor screen size  e.g. 17 inches ,  22 inches , 27 inches , 32 inches ,  40 inches ,  55 inches or bigger .  Most  Android    apps   will have no problem in going to full-screen mode on a  6/7  inches   Android  Smartphone BUT when Android apps sit on a  15.6 inches Laptop or on a  15.6 inches Tablet  or  on a  15.6 inches Smartphone or on  " A  Folding Smartphone that can unfold into a  15.6 inches Tablet " , I believe, some Android apps will not work properly and some Android apps will not work in FULL-SCREEN mode(a good example is this machine  and  this).  I hope and I believe the  Android developers who create these Android apps will be able to solve this problem , especially problems related to Android apps that sit on an Android machine or Android computer hardware  which has  a screen size of  15.6 inches or  bigger ,  regardless whether it is on a  Laptop(an Android Laptop that has a screen size of  15.6 inches) or on a Tablet(an Android Tablet that has a screen size of  15.6 inchesor on a  Smartphone(an Android Smartphone that has a screen size of  15.6 inchesor on a   Folding Smartphone(a folding Smartphone that can unfold into a 15.6 inches Tablet) or on a Smart TV.   Furthermore when a Smartphone has a screen size of  15.6 inches ,  or  when  " a  Folding Smartphone can unfold into a  15.6 inches Tablet "  and          with that  15.6 inches  form  factor , and with that screen size ,   a  15.6 inches  Smartphone or a  Folding  Smartphone  can be a good gaming phone or a  good  gaming tablet  too , it is just like having the screen size of a  a  15.6 inches  Windows gaming laptop
  2.          Tablet(it automatically become  a  15.6 inches  5G Tablet), is the best  SAMSUNG DeX  alternative .
2.  Why 15.6 inches screen size ?  There is good news for
      15.6 inches screen lovers ,
      SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra  is a  14.6 inches Tablet
      and it is a  beautiful piece
      of machine from  SAMSUNG .  I wish the next
           version of  SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra ,
      SAMSUNG  should max the screen size up to
          15.6 inches , just like the screen size of a  15.6 inches
      An INTEL-based version  of the  SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab
      S8 Ultra (just like the SAMSUNG Galaxy TabPro S) running Windows
      Operating System (running Windows 10
      all the existing hardware that is present
      inside the  SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab
      S8 Ultra  , with the addition of a  DVD-RW Player
    built-in [ 1 2 ] , and with the addition of a
     SIM/nanoSIM/eSIM and when subscribe to a
     5G Cellular Data Plan ,  can do crystal clear
    voice calls( Vo5G )  just like a 5G Smartphone , would be
      great .

3.  For some consumers ,  15.6 inches   is
      their favorite screen size for a  Tablet .

4.   For some consumers ,  15.6 inches   is
      their  favorite screen size for a Laptop

5.    Over the past few years ,  the  trend has been for smartphone screens to get larger and larger and smartphones with foldable design( whatever the design is ,  dual-fold  or  triple-fold , etc., etc.  ) can make smartphone screens  get  larger and larger .  Having said that ,  a  Folding Smartphone that can unfold into  a   15.6 inches  Tablet which is comparable to the screen size of a  15.6 inches Laptop , is really nice to have , due to the  15.6 inches form factor .   Yes ,  a  15.6 inches  Laptop screen is considered the    " Goldilocks Solution "      because it is not too small or too big .  It is a a standard size that is larger than a      14 inch Laptop but smaller than a  17 inch Laptop .
15.6 inches Laptop are also designed to fit in backpacks and Laptop sleeves made for that size .
Likewise ,  15.6 inches smartphone ,  FoldingSmartphone-that-can-unfold-into-a-15.6 inches Tablet in TABLET MODE   and 15.6 inches Tablet are also designed to fit in backpacks and Laptop sleeves made for that size . 

6.  15.6 inches extra screen real estate  on a  Smartphone ,
       on a folding Smartphone , on a Laptop , on a  Tablet ,   on
       DVD-RW Player ]     comes in very handy when using
       the split screen function or multi-window  and 
            having said that ,        it  is    ideal
      for having two windows or four windows
      open  simultaneously on all those machines .

7.  15.6 inches extra screen real estate
       comes in very handy when typing SMS and email and
     WhatsApp messages and WeChat messages   and
     Snapchat messages on the onscreen keyboard because

8.  15.6 inches extra screen real estate is great for
     watching  Netflix and iflix .

9. 15.6 inches extra screen size is great because it can be
      a  good  portable DVD player

10. 15.6 inches extra screen size is great and with that
        15.6 inches  form factor  it can be a  good   portable  TV
         player .   For example ,  a
        [15.6 inches   " Touchscreen "    " 360 degrees foldable "
         " Auto-rotate "     Windows 10
              5G Cellular Laptop with built-in DVD-RW Player ]   with
        phone functionality   when connected to a  USB TV Tuner
        can be a good portable TV Player due to the  15.6 inches
        screen size .  Having said that , a  [15.6 inches
        " Touchscreen "    " 360 degrees foldable "
        " Auto-rotate "     Windows 10
              5G Cellular Laptop with built-in DVD-RW Player ]  is
        comparable to this machine .

11.  15.6 inches extra screen size is great and with that
          15.6 inches  form factor  it can be a  good
           " 5G Cloud  Gaming "   machine , like for example ,
           this machine .

12.  15.6 inches extra screen size is great and with that
        15.6 inches  form factor  it can be a  good   Tablet PC  
13.   15.6 inches screen size is a good form factor for
          a       " big screen entertainment machine "
          regardless whether the  machine  is a  Smartphone
          or a  Laptop or a  Tablet  or  a
          [ Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone(ALL-in-ONE) ] .  

14. 15.6 inches extra screen size is great because it can
         be a   good Architects'  machine regardless whether
         it is a  15.6  inches Laptop , or a 15.6 inches Tablet ,
         or  a   15.6 inches  Smartphone   or   a
         [ 15.6 inches  " 360 degrees foldable/detachable "
         Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (All-in-One) with built-in
         DVD-RW Player ] 

15. 15.6 inches  screen size in a  Laptop or in a Tablet  or
        in  a   Smartphone or in a    [ 15.6 inches  " 360
         Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (All-in-One) with built-in
         DVD-RW Player ]   is   great because it can be a  
         "A Small Notebook For A System Administrator" 
         [ 1 2 ]

16.   Some users prefer to consume content in portrait
          mode ( photos , websites, Twitter feeds , etc., etc.)
          15.6 inches  is a
          good screen size ,  and  15.6 inches is a good form
          factor to       view/consume     content  in  portrait mode .
          As a result ,   developers of Android apps , developers
          of Linux apps , developers of Chrome apps should be
          prepared  to provide both landscape and portrait layouts
          in their apps, in their  software , to cater
          for  the 15.6inches  screen  size .

17.    Some people say   " it is difficult to put a  machine
             a 15.6 inches screen size or  15.6 inches form factor                ( for  example a  15.6 inches Laptop or a 15.6 inches Tablet  or  a
                 15.6 inches  Smartphone )  inside a  15 inch  backpack and
             that make  15.6  inches machines impractical " .  
          But my reply is ,    " get   a  17 inch backpack   and
             furthermore  a  15.6 inches machine looks
          great inside
          a  17 inch             backpack "    

19.   15.6 inches screen size is good for INTEL Education
           Tablet.  [ 1 2 3 4 5 ]

20.   15.6 inches screen size is good for INTEL Classmate
             PC .  [ 1 2 3 4 ]


21.    15.6 inches  screen size is good for reading e-books

22.   15.6  inches screen size is good  for  a  Medical
            Tablet      hardware .

23.   15.6 inches  screen size is a good form factor
           for Battle Field  Tablets  for  Soldiers .

24.   15.6 inches screen size is a  good form factor for a
            Restaurant Ordering Tablet .

2515.6 inches screen size is a  good form
          factor for a   Car  Dash  Tablet .

26.  15.6 inches screen size is a  good form
               factor for a   Car  Head  Unit .

27.  15.6 inches screen size is good  for a  School
          Tablet 1 2 ] or or an  Educational Tablet [ 1 ] ,
          regardless of what Operating System it uses ,
          regardless of what
          processor/microprocessor [ 1 ] it uses .

28.    15.6 inches extra screen size in a  Smartphone 
          or   15.6  inches form factor in a Smartphone  is great
          for a  gaming phone .  A  Foldable Smartphone-that-can-
          unfold-into-a-15.6 inches-Tablet    can be a good
          gaming phone , too , due to the  15.6 inches form
          factor. There has never been a better time to  produce
          a   mobile/phone    system that     caters to the                   demands of the   Mobile/Phone     gaming
       crowd and having a  Mobile/Phone system that have
          a screen  size of  15.6 inches  or  having  a   Foldable
          Mobile/Phone    system  that can unfold into  a
          15.6 inches  Tablet ,    should be able to fulfill
          their   gaming needs in a bigger screen .

29.   15.6 inches screen size or bigger(for
                          example a
                          television) is also great for connecting to
                 gaming consoles [ 1 2 ] , like for example ,
                 Nintendo Switch , Sony PlaystationXbox or PC
                 gaming .

30.   At a certain age (50+ and 60+) , such a small screen 
         ( 6 inches or 7 inches ) on a Smartphone , such a
         small    screen ( 13 inches  or  14 inches )  on a
         Laptop is  unpleasant to work with .  As for me ,
        15.6 inches is  just nice .  Having said that , 
        15.6 inches is a good screen
         size for a Laptop ( 4G LTE or 5G ) ,  or  a
         Tablet ( 4G LTE or 5G ) ,  or  a
         Folding  Smartphone ( a folding smartphone , whatever
         or  a    [ 15.6 inches  Touchscreen
         "360 degrees  foldable/detachable"  5G Cellular Laptop
          with   built-in  DVD-RW Player ]

31.   It is good to see that the government officers at
           Putrajaya are using Monitors with screen
           size of more
           than  15.6 inches  for better viewing and clarity .

32.  Why  15.6 inches  screen size ?  For example , when a
         smartphone screen is 15.6 inches in size , whether it is
         an  Android Phone  or  a  Windows phone or a  Linux
                 phone  or  a  QNX Phone , etc., etc.,  and with that
         15.6 inches form factor ,
          I believe , we have automatically turn our :

          1 . Android Phone into a Android PC

          2. Windows Phone into a Windows PC 

          3. Linux Phone into a Linux PC

          4. QNX Phone into a QNX PC/Tablet .

          By just adding a     wireless/bluetooth     mouse

          and  a   wireless/bluetooth    keyboard to the

          15.6 inches Android Phone or

          a 15.6 inches Windows Phone or

          a 15.6 inches Linux Phone or

          a 15.6 inches QNX Phone , we should 

          be able to make all these  15.6 inches  Smartphone 

          behave like a proper 15.6 inches   PC/Desktop  or a

          Laptop or  turn the  15.6 inches Smartphone into Work

          Station ........ a   Mobile  Workstation .

          And best of all , we have a  PC/Laptop

          and a Tablet and a  Smartphone built

          into one device to meet all  our computer

          hardware needs . There is no need to carry 3

          devices . 
          We carry only  1  device .

33.   As of today , 26th.October 2018 , big screen
         Android/Windows/Linux    Smartphones ,
         is only around

         6 inches or 7 inches screen size , so , big screen
         phones are not taking the role of Tablets . Big screen
         Android/Windows/Linux   phones  will take the
       of a  tablet when big screen
         Android/Windows/Linux    phones  have a screen
       size of  15.6 inches .

35.  Some people say  " Yes . Bigger screens are okay .
              There is a lot of people who prefer and use bigger
              screens . What   hardware/software   manufacturer
              need to do is make smaller screens for people who
              prefer and use smaller screens and also make
              bigger screens for people who prefer and use bigger
              screens .  So , why not both ? Why do small screen
              users want    hardware/software   companies to stop
          making bigger screens  ? " 

36.   15-inch-level laptops took up
                        50 percent of South Korea's laptop
             sales during the third quarter of

    Personally , I am still a fan of the 15.6 inches screen size , 
    which is my favorite form factor for a Laptop ,   for a Tablet , for a  Smartphone , for a  Folding Smartphone ,   and  for a  [ Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (All-in-One) ]   machine , like for example ,  the  [ 15.6 inches  Touchscreen  "360 degrees foldable"   INTEL-based   Linux  5G  Cellular Laptop with built-in DVD-RW Player ]