Thursday, 30 December 2021

 15.6 inches  Chrome OS   Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (All-in-One) , which I envisioned , is a machine which is a cellular Laptop (which has the physical appearance of a foldable Laptop  or  a detachable Laptop ) or it can be a machine like a  folding Smartphone ( which can unfold into a  15.6 inches  Tablet ) that requires  a   cellular/data   plan for  voice calling , just like a traditional Smartphone .


1. The    15.6 inches  Chrome OS     Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone(All-in-One) which I envision  is a cellular Laptop ,  is a  machine  with a SIM Card  Slot that require a   cellular/data   plan for voice calling  just like an Android  Smartphone .  They  are   4G/4G LTE/5G  Laptops ,  they are cellular Laptops that operate like Mobile Phones  or  Smartphones . They can make telephone calls or receive telephone calls  , send sms ,  send emails ,  WhatsApp , WeChat , Snapchat , Facebook , Instagram , Telegram , Zoom , Skype , etc.,  just like a  Mobile Phones .  Since this  machine  behave like a Mobile Phone , we got to have a data plan , we got to have a cellular plan with a Telco in order to make telephone calls and receive telephone calls   and to stay connected to  the  Internet at all times .  With this machine ,  I  envision that it enables us to stay connected to the Internet at all times without the dependency of a  Smartphone , without the dependency of another device .   With this machine , I envision that we don't have to buy or puchase a  Smartphone .  And best of all , we have a  PC/Laptop , and a  Tablet and a  Smartphone built into one device , built into one machine to meet all our computer hardware needs . There is no need to carry 3 devices or 4 devices . We carry only  1 device . We only carry 1 item .    WE ONLY CARRY 1 UNIT OF 15.6 INCHES   CHROME  OS   LAPTOP/TABLET/SMARTPHONE (ALL-IN-ONE) .  Anyway , it is many times better to carry this than to carry this .

2.  Also on the money side , there are added cost for getting a  cellular/data  plan for a  Smartphone and  a  cellular data plan for   a   4G/5G  Laptop ( cellular  Laptop ) .  Meaning we got to have  2    cellular/data    plan ,  one   cellular/data   for having  a   Smartphone and   another   one    cellular/data    plan    for   having    a                                           4G/5G  Laptop ( cellular  Laptop ) .   But  if  we  have a   15.6 inches    Chrome OS  Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (All-in-One) , we only require one      cellular/data    plan for it .   Anyway ,  just because we have a mobile-broadband-capable device  ,  it does not mean that we are relying on    3G/4G/4G LTE/5G    for 24 hours to access the Internet .  Sometimes we rely on Wi-Fi ( e.g.  Hotspots ,  Home Wireless Router , etc., etc. )   inside the   15.6 inches    Chrome OS     Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (ALL-in-One)   to access the Internet , especially when we go back home to our house after work using our  Home Wireless  Router ,  and this help to save cost .  

3.  With the  15.6 inches   Chrome  OS  Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (All-in-One) , we can access the Internet and do   phone/voice    calling  at  the same time ,  simultaneously , without having to carry an extra   Phone/Smartphone ,  without having to   buy/purchase   an extra    Phone/Smartphone .

4. There is no need to purchase a  Smartphone  in order  to tether our   Android    Phone/Smartphone   and share its  Internet connection with the    15.6  inches   Chrome OS   Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (All-in-One)  because  the   15.6  inches   Chrome OS   Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (All-in-One)  have  a     built-in     3G/4G/4G LTE/5G     module  that can do     phone/voice    calling   and   high-speed  Internet  access  at  the same time .     

I only carry 1 unit of 15.6 inches Chrome OS Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone ( ALL-in-ONE )


P.S.   All the pictures above is for illustrative purposes only and it
         does not represent the actual picture , or the exact picture of a
         15.6 inches   Chrome OS   Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone ( All-in-ONE )  computer hardware .

Seniors who prefer large screen _ Chrome OS

 Seniors who prefer large screen due to their deteriorating eyesight will love this  Chrome OS  machine because of the 15.6 inches screen size and the 15.6 inches form factor and the  “ on-the-screen “    keyboard which come with the Chrome OS machine .  The  “ on-the-screen “    keyboard which come with the           15.6 inches  Chrome OS machine   is quite big ,  just like the  on-the-screen-keyboard of Windows 10  Tablet.  Seniors will find typing sms , emails , WhatsApp , WeChat , Snapchat , Facebook , Instagram , etc., etc., on the   “ on-the-screen “  keyboard   is a much more accurate experience .

Sunday, 19 December 2021


A foldable Smartphone which look something like the SAMSUNG Galaxy Fold 3 , and have the physical appearance of a SAMSUNG Galaxy Fold 3 .

A foldable Smartphone which when folded it look like a  traditional SAMSUNG Smartphone but when unfolded it can become  a   15.6 inches Tablet ,  15.6 inches traditional SAMSUNG Tablet . Currently , the SAMSUNG Galaxy Fold 3 when unfolded , it  only become  a  7.4 inches Tablet . Hopefully , in future , the next version of the SAMSUNG Galaxy Fold 3 can unfold to become a   15.6 inches  Tablet .


A  15.6 inches traditional SAMSUNG Tablet may look like :

  1. Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 in   “ Tablet mode “ [ 1 2 3 ]

  2. SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra

  3. SAMSUNG Galaxy TabPro  S

Sunday, 28 November 2021


When  folded it become a  Smartphone  and when  unfolded it becomes a  Tablet ,  a   15.6 inches  Tablet  or  a  17 inches  Tablet .   It looks  something/approximately  like  the  SAMSUNG Galaxy Z Fold 3 .  Currently , the  SAMSUNG Galaxy Z Fold 3  when unfolded it becomes  a  7.6 inches  Tablet .  In the not too distant future the new version of the  SAMSUNG Galaxy Z Fold 3  when unfolded it can transform into a   15.6 inches Tablet or a  17 inches  Tablet and since it is light enough , we can hold them like this

Thursday, 25 November 2021

PHILIPS P330 computer hardware



Currently , the SAMSUNG Galaxy Z Fold 3   Smartphone when unfolded it can become a  7.6 inch  Tablet ,  a  7.6 inch Android Tablet . 

Hopefully , in the not too distant future ,  SAMSUNG will make a  SAMSUNG Galaxy Z Fold  Smartphone when unfolded it can become a  15.6 inch  Tablet ,  a  15.6 inch  Android  Tablet .

Wednesday, 24 November 2021



MARK  FRAUENFELDER   15.6 inches   Android   device   [ 1 ]  [  1  1  2   4  5  6  6  7  8  9 ]   .  Awesome piece of machine ,  MARK .      MARK ,  I  hope  SAMSUNG  will  make  a  15.6 inches  version    of  the  SAMSUNG  Galaxy  Note Pro  12.2  LTE   12.2 inches  or   a  15.6  inches    version of the  SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab Pro S   , and with these two machines , there is no need to plug these machines into a wall outlet and it will be very portable and we can carry them everywhere we please ,  just like a SAMSUNG  smartphone .  MARK ,  I am sold if  SAMSUNG is willing to make these kind of devices .  Oh ya   MARK ,  SAMSUNG  should also include a  Docking  Station with this   15.6 inches  version of the  SAMSUNG Galaxy Note Pro  12.2  LTE   or the  15.6  inches    version of the  SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab Pro S  ,  so that we can also use these devices  just like a  PC , just like a  Personal  Computer  ,  to connect to various computer peripherals .   MARK ,  if these two machines really exist ,  the   15.6 inches version of the  SAMSUNG Galaxy Note Pro 12.2   LTE  will  be  my  ultimate  Android   machine and the  15.6  inches    version of the  SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab Pro S   will be my  ultimate  Windows  machine .   If  God willing , hopefully one fine day ,  SAMSUNG  will  make such a device .

Friday, 19 November 2021

Warren Buffet


Why does Warren Buffet live such a humble lifestyle ?

Source :  Internet

To be fair, one could argue that Buffett doesn’t live a humble lifestyle… He still flys around in private jets, travels with a private security detail, drives a Cadillac, wears a Rolex, and until recently owned a beach home worth $11 million. So to some extent Buffett does live an even more luxurious life than most millionaires.

Having said all that, those are really the only luxuries I can find Buffett indulging in. I think it’s fair to say that Buffett lives like a millionaire, but not like a billionaire. He by no means lives like a poor person, but he does live well below his means for what he’s worth. At most you could say Buffett’s frugal. There are people who are literally “100x poorer” than him that live more lavishly than he does. Although, that might not be saying much, because to be “100x poorer” than Buffett would mean you have a fortune of about $100 million.

Day-to-day, Buffett seems like an ordinary upper middle-class man, he only owns and drives one car, currently a Cadillac XTS, not necessarily a cheap car, but certainly not so far out of reach for a middle class American like a Bentley or Ferrari would be. Buffett’s also a big fan of drinking Coca-Cola and eating at McDonald’s, he frequent’s the fast food chain one to two times per day and is known for buying items off of the dollar menu often using exact change.

Islam In Netherlands


Wednesday, 17 November 2021

 ALLAH  ( God The  Almighty , Lord Of  The Universe )  

Friday, 5 November 2021

Yang baik datangnya dari  ALLAH  dan     yang  buruk dan kelemahan datangnya  daripada  diri  aku

 In  ALLAH  we  trust

 In  God  we trust   

Saturday, 30 October 2021

In the name of ALLAH , Most Gracious , Most Merciful_3

 I am a 65 year old Malay man , a family man of 4 children , and I am retired and I am a Muslim . During the COVID 19  lockdown/pandemic and until today , being a retiree , besides praying 5 times a day and  reading the  KORAN/QURAN , the entertainment that I enjoy , among them are , watching TV , listening to music and cycling . Among the TV programs shown on ASTRO , that I enjoy watching are   " Resident Alien "  and   " Super Girl " .  When I was a  kid/teenager , I use to read  MARVEL Comics and  DC Comics and I use to exchange  Comics with my Schoolmates and when the Hollywood TV Show  " Super Girl "  was available on ASTRO , I just took the opportunity to watch the   " Super Girl "  TV program .  What a time to be still alive , right ?  Watching you Comic Superhero flying on the TV screen . But to my dismay , after watching a few episodes of   " Super Girl "  ,  I was shocked and horrified to find out that there was a few episodes in the film  " Super Girl " , that showed an illicit love scene of   " a woman kissing one another on the lips " .  Without doubt this scene is definitely an act of   " Lesbianism "  or   " have an LGBT element "  inside it ,  which I feel is  TOO MUCH FOR ME AS A MUSLIM TO CHEW OR ANY OF MY MUSLIM BROTHERS OR SISTERS TO CHEW .

Correct me if I am wrong , I have never seen  MARVEL Comics Superhero                           ( SPIDERMAN , FANTASTIC FOUR , THE INVINCIBLE IRON MAN , THE INCREDIBLE HULK , THOR , THE AVENGERS , THE ANTMAN , DOCTOR STRANGE , DAREDEVIL , etc., etc. ) shown on ASTRO Satellite TV , depicted such         " sick relationship "   scenes .  Another Hollywood  TV  Program/Film that I stumbled across , while watching ASTRO Satellite TV , which have a similar illicit love scene are  THE CURSE OF CHUCKY and  BATWOMAN .

ASTRO Broadcasting Company should have some awareness that ASTRO Satellite               " TV Programs "  are watched by millions of Malaysians , young and old , and also people living in Brunei and Indonesia whereby majority of the population are Muslims .  As a Malaysian , Muslim or non-Muslim families , Muslim parents or non-Muslim parents , and other religious faith , who share the same moral values and ethics as I am , I believe it would be more appropriate if these illicit scenes ( scenes that contradict ISLAM and the ISLAMIC Law ) in  SUPERGIRL , THE CURSE OF CHUCKY and  BATWOMAN which are   " deemed unappropriate "    are   cut/edited  based on our Malaysian customs and religion , before these films go on air .

I have nothing against Hollywood TV programs and Hollywood movies because I enjoy watching them , since I was a   kid/teenager .  I have been watching Hollywood TV programs and Hollywood movies for so many years since 1967 on a black and white television and on the big Cinema , before we have Satellite TV .   As a Malaysian , and as a Muslim , and as a parent , and have been watching TV for so many years , I believe , myself and my family , and other Muslim or non-Muslim families , have tolerated many scenes in Hollywood TV programs and Hollywood films , that are shown on our Malaysian TV   today ,  but these    " lesbian-scenes "  in  SUPERGIRL , THE CURSE OF CHUCKY  and  BATWOMAN ,    WE NEED TO STOP TOLERATING .  If  these   disgusting scenes , if these disgusting act becomes prevalent on our Malaysian TV , may God Forbid , it will become   ANOTHER NEW NORMAL  in our Malaysian TV , so much so that , we will be seeing more and more TV programs showing these kind of  disgusting    scenes/act  ,  spreading like wild fire .

Trusting ASTRO that my letter shall always have ASTRO careful attention .

I am ,

        Hamba ALLAH ,

                A Concerned Malaysian Citizen .


Thursday, 28 October 2021


   1.   by  saying that  ISLAM  is spread by the  sword

   2 .   by  saying that   " The unpleasant truth is that the  Koran/Quran  teaches faithful Muslims to           be at war with non-Muslims until they are all subdued  " .
   3 .   by  saying that  

Wednesday, 27 October 2021


I am a 65 year old Malay man , a family man 

of 4 children , and I am retired and I am a Muslim . During the COVID 19 

lockdown/pandemic and until today , being a retiree , besides praying 5 times a day 

and reading the KORAN/QURAN , the entertainment that I enjoy , among 

them is , watching TV , listening to music and cycling . Among the 

TV programs shown on ASTRO , that I enjoy watching are “ Resident Alien “ 

and “ Super Girl “ . When I was a kid/teenager , I use to read MARVEL 

Comics and DC Comics and I use to exchange Comics with my school

mates and when the film “ Super Girl “ was available on ASTRO , I just took

the opportunity to watch the “ Super Girl “ TV program . But to my dismay , 

after watching a few episode of “ Super Girl “ , I was shocked to find out 

that there was a few episode in the film “ Super Girl “ , a love scene that showed

“ a woman kissing one another on the lips “ . Without doubt this scene is

definitely an act of “ Lesbianism “ or “ have an LGBT element “ inside it , 



Correct me if I am wrong , I have never seen MARVEL Comic superhero ( SPIDERMAN ,



DOCTOR STRANGE , DAREDEVIL , etc., etc. ) shown on

ASTRO Satellite TV , depicted such " sick relationship " scene . Another Hollywood TV

Programs/Film that I stumbled across , when watching ASTRO Satellite TV , which have a

similar love scene are THE CURSE OF CHUCKY and BATWOMAN .

ASTRO Broadcasting Company should have some awareness that ASTRO Satellite

“ TV programs “ are watched by millions of Malaysians , young and old , 

and also people living in Brunei and Indonesia whereby majority of the 

population are Muslims . As a Malaysian , Muslim or non-Muslim families , 

Muslim parents or non-Muslim parents , and other religious faith , who 

share the same moral values and ethics as I am , I believe it would be more

appropriate if these scenes ( scenes that contradict ISLAM and the 
ISLAMIC Law ) in  SUPERGIRL ,  THE CURSE OF  CHUCKY  and  BATWOMAN which are “ deemed unappropriate “   are    cut/edited   based on our Malaysian customs and religion , before these films go on air .    

I have nothing against Hollywood TV programs and Hollywood movies 
because I enjoy watching them , since I was a   kid/teenager .   I have been watching Hollywood TV 
programs and Hollywood movies for so many years since 1967 on a black 
and white television and on the big Cinema , before we have Satellite TV . 
As a Malaysian , and as a Muslim , and as a parent , and have been 
watching TV for so many years , I believe , myself and my family , and 
other Muslim or non-Muslim families , have tolerated many scenes on 
Hollywood TV programs and Hollywood films , that are shown on our 
Malaysian TV today , but these lesbian-scene in  Super Girl ,  The Curse of Chucky  and  Batwoman ,  WE NEED TO STOP TOLERATING . If this disgusting scene , if this disgusting  act  becomes prevalent on our Malaysian TV , may God Forbid , it will become 
ANOTHER NEW NORMAL in our Malaysian TV , so much so that , we will 
be seeing more and more TV programs showing these kind of disgusting 
scenes , spreading like wild fire .

Trusting you that my letter shall always have your careful attention .

I am ,
        Hamba ALLAH ,
                A Concerned Malaysian Citizen .

Friday, 22 October 2021

In the name of ALLAH , Most Gracious , Most Merciful .


I am a 65 year old Malay man , a family man of 4 children , and I am retired and I am a 

Muslim .  During  the COVID 19    lockdown/pandemic   and until today , being a retiree ,

the only entertainment that I enjoy is ,  watching TV and listening to music , besides  cycling , 

praying 5 times a day and   fiddling/playing   around with my computer hardware . Among the TV 

programs shown on ASTRO , that I enjoy watching are   “ Resident Alien “  and              

  “ Super Girl “ . 

When I was a kid I have read MARVEL Comics and DC Comics and when the film        

“ Super Girl “ was available on ASTRO , I just took the opportunity to watch the            

 “ Super Girl “   TV program . But to my dismay , after watching a few episode of             “ 

"  Super Girl “   TV  program , I was  shocked to find out that there was a few episode in 

the film   “ Super Girl “   that showed  " a woman kissing one another on the lips " .

Without doubt this scene , in my personal opinion ,  is definitely an                                   

" act of  Lesbianism "   or   " have an LGBT  element "  inside it  ,  which I feel is  TOO 





It is my opinion ,  ASTRO Broadcasting Company should have some awareness that 

" Super Girl "      TV program   are watched by millions of Malaysians , young and old , 

and also people living in Brunei and Indonesia whereby majority of the population are 

Muslims .   As a Malaysian , and as a Muslim , I believe it would be more appropriate if 

these scenes ( scenes that contradict ISLAM and the ISLAMIC Law )  in   " Super Girl " 

which are         “ deemed unappropriate “   are cut or snipped  before the film   “ Super 

Girl “   go on air .  I  have nothing against Hollywood movies because I have been 

watching them 

and I enjoy watching them since I was a kid on a   " Black and White Television "  in 

1967 and on the big Cinema (LIDO , CATHAY , ODEON , SUN , etc., etc.) , before we 

have Satellite TV .  

I have been watching    Television  for so many  years , and as a  Malaysian , and as a  

Muslim , and as a  parent , myself and my family ,  and other  Muslim  or                    

non-Muslim families , who share the same moral values and ethics as I am ,  we have 

tolerated many scenes on Hollywood films that are shown 

on  our Malaysian TV today , but this one scene in “ Super Girl “   WE NEED TO STOP 

TOLERATING .  If this disgusting scene , if this disgusting act becomes prevalent on     

our Malaysian TV , may God Forbid , perhaps one day , it will become             

ANOTHER NEW   NORMAL  in our Malaysian  TV , so much so that , we will be 

seeing , in future ,  more and more TV programs showing these kind of disgusting scenes .

Trusting ASTRO that my letter shall always have ASTRO careful attention .

I am ,

          Yours very truly,

                Hamba  ALLAH ,

                      A Concerned Malaysian Citizen ,

                       NORIZAN BIN HASSAN. 

Sunday, 17 October 2021



ISLAM _   ISLAM , nowadays , is a term that has come to mean different things to different people . At its core , the bad guys , will define ISLAM with stories , news , reports ,  that  are   false :  the   stories/news/reports   are     fabricated , with no verifiable facts , sources , or quotes from the Al-QURAN/KORAN  and  SUNNAH ( Prophet Muhammad Sunnah ) . It is our duty as a Muslim to spread the true teachings  of  ISLAM  in whatever way that we can so that the non-Muslims will get a true picture of ISLAM , the true ISLAMIC perspective of ISLAM  based on the   Al-QURAN/KORAN  and  SUNNAH ( Prophet Muhammad Sunnah  .

  • ALLAH   S.W.T.   Weapon Of  Mass  Destruction _  Soldier Of  ALLAH                               ( Tentera ALLAH )    [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8  9  10  11  12  13 14 15 ]

  • All of us ( 8 billion population ) will enter in our graves ........... an absolute  certainty ................ getting  closer  to  ALLAH S.W.T. ...... ibadah is just bigger than  JUST PRAY ..... every single person is going to ask about  AMANAH ...... etc., etc.     by Yasmin Mogahed .     [ 1 ]

  • Aminah  Assilmi _   A  Comment  on  Polygamy -  Aminah  Assilmi                                            by Islam On Demand    [ 1 ] [ 2 ]

  • Aminah  Assilmi _   My Family Wanted To Kill Me But Now They Are Muslim                         by Islam On Demand     [ 1 ]  [ 2 ]

  • A Muslim Imam's Opinion On Xinjiang And Filipino Muslims                                                     by Alex From Xinjiang   [ 1 ]
  • Andrew  March _   What  is  Shariah     by Emir-Stein Center   [ 1 ]

  • Behavioral Evidence When  Eating  Pork  Meat                                                              by AHMAD H.SAKR ( Professor of Biochemistry and Nutrition     [ 1 ]

  • Dajjal _   The Existence Of  Dajjal ( Sheikh Yasir Qadhi )    by Quran and  Islam  [ 1 ]

  • Dato'  Abu  Hasan  Din _   Berwuduk  Dan  Solat  Dengan  Sempurna    by Ar-Rahman TV      [ 1 ]

  • Dato' Dr  MAZA  _  Penggunaan  Nama  ALLAH  Oleh  Bukan  Islam -  Dato' Dr  MAZA                     by  TVSUNNAH    [ 1 ]

  • Dato' Dr  MAZA  _   Dr Maza ulas YB Johor berkenaan  TALIBAN      by Dr. Maza Channel       [ 1 ]

  • Doa/Dua _   Every  Doa/Dua  is  heard  by  ALLAH S.W.T. ,   ALLAH  GUARANTEES TO  ANSWER  YOUR    DUA/DOA         by iLovUAllah    [ 1 ]

  • Dr.  Jeffrey  Lang _   Winning  Our  Children  Back  To  Islam - Jeffrey Lang     by IslamiCity    [ 1 ]  [ 2 ]

  • Dr.  Uthman  Lateef _   Overcoming  Depression    by AlihsanProjects   [ 1 ]   

  • Dr.  Zakir  Naik  _   What proof is that , what  Scientific proof is that ,  there is  Heaven  and   Hell ? Apa buktinya  Surga  dan  Neraka itu  ada ?  Dr.  Zakir  Naik   [ 1 ] [ 1 ]

  • Dr.  Zakir  Naik  _  If  Allah The  Almighty can create anything  instantly ,  why  did  he  take  6  Days  to  create  the  Universe ?    by  Dr Zakir Naik     [ 1 1  ] 

  • Dr.  Zakir  Naik _  There is a misconception among human beings that ISLAM is a new  religion that came in FOURTEEN HUNDRED YEARS AGO and  Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) is the founder of the religion of  ISLAM .   THIS IS TOTALLY  WRONG ! ISLAM is there  SINCE MAN SET FOOT ON THE SURFACE OF THE  EARTH !   Dr.  Zakir  Naik  explained .    [ 1 ] [ 1 ]

  • Dr.  Zakir  Naik  _  Is  the  Quran     God's ( ALLAH The Almighty )   Word  ?                     [ 1 ] [ 1 ]

  • Dr.  Zakir  Naik  _  Scientifically and  Logically  Proves to an  Atheist the  Existence  of   Hell  and  Heaven .   [ 1 ] [ 1 ]

  • Dr.  Zakir  Naik  _   Jesus is not God !  Dr.  Zakir  Naik   explained .     By Lampu  Islam      [ 1 ]  [ 1 ]

  • Early  Life  of  Prophet  Muhammad ( S.A.W. )    [ 1 ]

  • Exploring  Islam  In  America :  Women  In  Islam                                                                 by Washington National Cathedral    [ 1 ]

  • Forgive  and  Forget - Majed  Mahmoud                                                                  by  Digital Mimbar     [ 1 ]   

  • Growing Up in America   by Yasmin Mogahed .......... I believe , in my  opinion ,  this     speech/talk/ceramah     is also  applicable when  Growing Up in Europe ( European Union Countries )  or  Growing Up in United Kingdom  or  Growing Up in  Russia  or  Growing Up in China  or  Growing Up in  Non-Muslim  Country ,  etc.,  etc.       [ 1 ]
  • HISTORY  OF  PIG  FAT  [ 1 2 ]   Behavioral Evidence When  Eating  Pork  Meat  [ 1 ]               Why  Does   The  Bible  Prohibit  Eating  Pork ?  [ 1 ]

  • How  Surah  Ad-Dhuha  can  change  your  life  -  Sheikh  Tawfique  Chowdhury                by AlKauthar Institute    [ 1 ]

  • How To Find Your Soulmate The Islamic Way -  Lisa  Killinger    by Islam On Demand  [ 1 ]

  • ISLAM  for  Catholics  101   by Boston College School of  Theology and  Ministry  Continuing  Education   [ 1 ]
  • Ismail  Raji  al-Faruqi _   Every  Muslim  is  a  Scientist                                        by Hamba ALLAH  [ 1 ]
  • Journey  To  Islam _   A  British  Lady    [ 1 ]

  • Journey  To  Islam _   A  British  Man    [ 1 ]

  • Journey  To  Islam _   Abdullah  Taki    1 ]

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