Monday, 25 November 2019
Advise/Nasihat untuk Anakanda Karmila
Assalamualaikum w.r.b.t. Karmila ....... Apa kabar sayang ? Semoga Karmila baik-baik saja dan semoga Karmila senantiasa dibawah perlindungan/pertolongan/pengawasan ALLAH S.W.T.
Tujuan ayah hantar message ini adalah kerana ayah hendak bagi Karmila sedikit advise dan nasihat dan ayah berharap Karmila sudi mendengarnya . Ayah bukan apa , akhir-akhir ini ayah kerap dengar daripada Mama yang Karmila sering menghadapi masalah dengan pelajaran Karmila ketika berada di Russia . Ayah turut merasa sedih dengan berita ini walau bagaimanapun ayah berharap dengan izin ALLAH S.W.T. you will manage to go through all the difficulties that you face right now .
Ayah bukanlah seorang pakar motivasi by profession but I believe I can give you a little bit of advise like some other educated parents do . As you will probably know , not all parents who have their children studying overseas are educated parents . Some are educated and some are not educated . Parents who are highly educated , I guess , can give a better advise than parents who are less educated . Macam ayah , I am less educated as compared to mama who is highly educated but it does not mean that I cannot give you any advise . Yes , I can give you advise tetapi sesuai dengan ayah punya pelajaran , sesuai dengan pendidikan ayah , sesuai dengan intelligence ayah , sesuai dengan ayah punya knowledge .
Kadang-kadang ayah terbayang jugak , kalau anak-anak yang menghadapi masalah pelajaran diluar negara , ataupun student-student yang menghadapi masalah pelajaran diluar negara , ataupun masalah-masalah lain diluar negara , dengan siapa agaknya mereka boleh berbicara , dengan siapa agaknya mereka boleh luahkan perasaan/masalah mereka , jikalau ditakdirkan mereka mempunyai parents yang not educated or not well educated ........ but I like to think that they can manage themselves or perhaps they have good friends that they can count on or perhaps they have a mentor to help them .
I do not know how to begin in order to advise you atau bagi nasihat but I will say this THERE IS NO SINGLE PILL TO CURE ALL ILLS . There is so many things we have to do , there is so many things we have to try , there is so many things we have to explore ,
we should explore/pursue every avenue in search of an answer and the list goes on and on and on and on . So .... fasten your seat belt and listen .
The advise/nasehat or speech or Taskirah or Sermon or whatever you can call it , daripada Ayah ........ they are not in order ........ you can choose any one of them to apply in your life . Ayah saat ini sudah pun berumur 63 tahun ........ so , it is difficult to put 63 years of Knowledge/Skills/Expertise/Technical Know-How/Information/Wisom into a few hundred words . Some of them you have heard and already know but some of them you have not heard ...... but if you happen to know all of them ......... GOOD FOR YOU ...... IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO PUT TO PRACTICE . Orang BERIMAN apabila sudah mempunyai ILMU ....... KENA BERAMAL .......... YOU PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH . So , once again ......... fasten your seat belt and listen .
1. Our mission in this world is to ABDIKAN DIRI KITA
KEPADA ALLAH S.W.T. regardless who we are .
2. Siapa Karmila ?
Karmila adalah hamba ALLAH .
S.A.W. Karmila adalah ummat yang terbaik yang pernah
dijadikan/diciptakan oleh ALLAH S.W.T.
Terbaik dalam segi tutur-kata , terbaik didalam percakapan ,
terbaik didalam budi pekerti ,
terbaik didalam membuat keputusan , terbaik dalam
pelajaran , terbaik didalam setiap pekerjaan yang kita
lakukan , terbaik
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